Central Asia joins the world on its own terms – Analysis – Eurasia Review

By Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu
In 2024, Central Asia has become a key player on the global stage. Central Asia has become a battleground where competition is intensifying, particularly between Russia and China. As 2025 approaches, Central Asian republics are increasingly focusing on economic diversification, sustainable partnerships, and policies that maintain national autonomy while benefiting from foreign investment and cooperation.
Central Asia has moved from being simply an arena for other nations' power games to a region asserting its autonomy. While the region appears as a average powerCentral Asian republics have made substantial contributions to world affairs, particularly in the areas of energy, transportation and conflict. mediation. The region has established strong partnerships, gaining influence in the essential minerals sector. The developments of 2024 will continue with increasing intensity and shape bilateral and multilateral relations in 2025.
This year, Russia and China have stepped up their engagement with Central Asia. Visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan And Turkmenistan in 2024. As planned, these high-level meetings highlighted the importance of maintaining strong ties and seeking solutions to international sanctions against Russia. Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Kazakhstan And Tajikistan reported that China's influence in the region remains strong. Xi Jinping called member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to protect the Shanghai Spirit against all threats.
During the year, many countries sought to strengthen ties with the Central Asian republics, particularly in the areas of critical minerals and the Middle Corridor. The European Union seeks to prevent Central Asia from falling under China's financial influence. In addition to the EU Global Gateway project, periodic meetings are organized to establish an integrated connectivity system linking Central Asia to the West. The United States is also focusing intensely on Central Asia critical minerals reduce the region's dependence on China.
The United Kingdom and Germany have developed a new policy in Central Asia, particularly in light of the war between Russia and Ukraine and growing concerns about China's influence in the region. Then the long visit of the British Foreign Minister, David Cameron, in April 2024, marked the start of a new era. During his visit, agreements were reached to strengthen cooperation in the fields of energy, economy and education, as well as plans for a 5+1 platform.
The British government also released Countries at a crossroads: UK engagement in Central Asiawho said relations would be shaped strategically to counter competition from Russia and China. For the UK, Central Asia must be protected against threats posed by Russia and China. Regional states oppose this paternalistic approach.
In September 2024, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited the region for the second German Central Asia Summit. As in the United Kingdom, the German government characterized the visit as breathing new life into relationships.
Scholz emphasized that the war between Russia and Ukraine has created a new geopolitical reality and highlighted the growing importance of Central Asia. Two key results emerged from this visit: support of Central Asian States for the Global Gateway project across Germany and potential for Germany to deport Afghan criminals to Afghanistan via Uzbekistan. Despite these positive developments, Germany's position towards the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and its critical view The Central Asian republics' relations with the Taliban continue to pose problems.
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol's June 2024 visit had a different meaning from that of European leaders. Adopting a traditional and strong political framework for Central Asia, South Korea has deepened its relations in the region across the K-Silk Road Initiative announced by President Yoon. South Korea has avoided speeches that could escalate tensions and instead adopted a win-win approach, focusing on partnership. resource diplomacya decision welcomed by Central Asia.
Turkey, another country that attaches great importance to the region, took a historic step by adopting the Common Turkish alphabet. By engaging in substantial efforts within the Organization of Turkic States, the country continues to pursue closer cooperation with the Central Asian republics, sharing deep historical and cultural ties. By moving away from the Cyrillic alphabet in favor of a common Latin script for the Turkic languages, they aim to improve communication between the Turkic states. Furthermore, Turkey has mandated the use of the term Turkistan instead of Central Asia in school curricula.
Central Asia will play an increasingly important role on the international stage, influenced by China's growing economic presence, Russia's geopolitical initiatives and key projects like the Middle Corridor, which are essential to regional connectivity and the essential minerals sector. But the European Union's influence could be affected by its pattern of periodic engagement and disengagement in the region. This inconsistent approach could limit its ability to build lasting partnerships and maintain influence, particularly compared to constantly engaged actors like China and Turkey.
Central Asian republics should attach importance to multilateral relations and organizational formations in the C5+ format. Within the framework of this concept, relations with all countries of the world will be developed and new organizational initiatives will emerge.
The region is no longer the backyard of a single superpower. In an era where the goal is mutually beneficial partnerships between equals, Western countries are expected to contribute to projects as reliable partners rather than taking on a protective role. Criticizing Central Asian states or pressuring them to change policies on sensitive issues like Afghanistan without considering regional realities is unlikely to be received positively. Efforts to reduce Russian and Chinese influence They are also unlikely to yield the desired results as they are seen by the Central Asian republics as short-term political maneuvers lacking a basis for trust.
- About the author: Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu is an assistant professor at Joongbu University and a senior researcher at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul.
- Source: This article was published on East Asia Forumwhich is part of a special EAF series on 2024 in review and the year ahead.
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