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The caliber of Mr. Jokowi, if he is willing to join us, is a great honor, it is a strength

The caliber of Mr. Jokowi, if he is willing to join us, is a great honor, it is a strength


Wednesday, December 11, 2024 – 4:21 p.m. WIB

Yogyakarta, VIVA After leaving the PDIP, which party Joko Widodo will join remains a question mark. Previously, Gerindra Chairman, who is also President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, revealed whether Jokowi was interested in joining his party.

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The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia (2014-2019 and 2019-2024) also had the opportunity to meet with the President of the MPR who is also the Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani. The meeting between these two personalities took place in Solo, Central Java, on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

Met in Yogyakarta on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, Muzani spoke about his meeting with Jokowi. However, Muzani said there was no invitation for Jokowi to join the Gerindra Party at the meeting.

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Muzani said that even if there was no invitation, if Jokowi wanted to join the Gerindra Party, his party would accept it. Muzani explained that the Gerindra Party is an open party.

“In principle, the Gerindra Party is an open party. An open party is a party that everyone can join,” Muzani said after meeting Sultan HB.

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Muzani said if Jokowi wanted to join Gerindra, it would definitely be a great honor for the party carrying the Garuda head symbol. In addition, according to him, Jokow is a great figure.

“For us, someone of the caliber of Pak Jokowi, who was president for 10 years, is a great figure. Of course, if he is ready to join us, for us it is a very great honor and it “is a strength,” Muzani said.

However, the chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly completely left the decision on whether to join the Gerindra Party to Jokowi.

“We, the whole Gerindra Party family, are honored. Everything depends on him (Jokowi). We say that there will be a congress in February (2025),” Muzani concluded.

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However, the chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly completely left the decision on whether to join the Gerindra Party to Jokowi.

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