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Former PM could add sauna to nine-bed Oxfordshire mansion

Former PM could add sauna to nine-bed Oxfordshire mansion


Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson could be set to add a sauna to the garden of his nine-bedroom mansion in Oxfordshire.

Mr Johnson and his wife Carrie moved into Brightwell Manor in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell after paying $3.8 million for the grade II listed property last year.

The house is close to Mr Johnson's former Henley constituency.

Now it appears the couple are looking to add a sauna with Ms Johnson posting on Instagram, asking for recommendations.

On Sunday, December 8, she posted to her 99,000 subscribers: Random Q [question] of the day, she wrote. Does anyone know of a good company that builds saunas in your backyard?

The former prime minister and his wife purchased the property and surrounding land without a mortgage.

In the six months since he left office in 2022, Johnson has earned nearly $5 million in outside income, mostly in speaking fees.

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Brightwell Manor (Image: contributed) The mansion, which has nine bedrooms, six reception rooms, five bathrooms, a walled garden and a tennis court, is believed to date back to 1605.

It was previously owned by three-time Nobel Prize-nominated author William Ralph Inge.

The Johnsons gained permission this year to demolish an extension and replace it with features such as a brick-pillared loggia and larger surrounding patio. They said they also wanted a gated entrance for better security for their three young children.

In September last year, the Johnsons were granted permission to build an outdoor swimming pool, despite concerns about its impact on great crested newts. Mr. Johnson said he was prepared to dedicate the pool to them or build a small motel in Triton in what he said was a new topic.

Ultimately, the couple agreed to offset the potential damage by creating natural habitats elsewhere in their garden. They did this by choosing to pay into the district-level council licensing system.
Residents of the village, which has fewer than 2,000 residents, have complained about the security system, which includes armed police and drones, since the family moved in.

Since moving to Brightwell-cum-Sotwell the family have been involved in the community.

Last year they attended the village's annual spring fair at St Agatha's Church.

The fair included a bouncy castle, a bottle raffle, a plant and book sale and a teddy bear skydiving competition from the top of the church.

Last year Anne Salisbury, who has lived in the village for 40 years, was sitting in the passenger seat of a car when she spotted Mr Johnson as he left the village store.

She said she rolled down her window and told the former prime minister of her concerns about the presence of drones and armed police.




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