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Smart India Hackathon 2024: PM Modi says young innovators give him chance to learn, urges them to shape India's future

Smart India Hackathon 2024: PM Modi says young innovators give him chance to learn, urges them to shape India's future


Smart India Hackathon 2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday joined the grand finale of the 7th edition of the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) via video conferencing, offering words of encouragement and inspiration to over 1,300 teams of students in competition to solve real-world problems.

The hackathon, taking place in 51 centers across the country, attracted participants from various sectors, including technology, healthcare and agriculture, to tackle challenges proposed by ministries, industries and government departments.

In his address to young innovators, Prime Minister Modi highlighted India's potential to progress rapidly through collective efforts. He remarked, “You will all remember, I have always said from the Red Fort that India can progress rapidly through everyone's efforts, and today is proof of that.

He expressed his enthusiasm for the ongoing final, emphasizing that meeting young innovators gave him the opportunity to learn and acquire new knowledge.

I have high expectations of you. You bring a unique perspective for India's future, which leads to innovative solutions, Modi continued.

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He further noted that the solutions developed during previous editions of the hackathon had already been successfully implemented in different ministries. In previous hackathons, you have never disappointed me; your solutions are now used in different ministries. I can't wait to see what teams across the country create in this hackathon, he added.

Addressing the Smart India Hackathon 2024, Modi highlighted: If we want to become the global economic superpower, then we will have to work hard on new sectors of the economy.

According to the Indian Prime Minister, India is making progress in many sectors, from digital content creation to gaming, which were not very developed 10 years ago.

Understanding the curiosity and conviction of young people, the government promotes their interest. The government removes obstacles in their path by carrying out reforms. Recently, the government made a very important decision. The move aims to provide access to international journals to Indian youth, Indian researchers and Indian innovators, Modi said.

Smart India Hackathon, initiative of the Ministry of Education

The Smart India Hackathon, an initiative of the Ministry of Education, provides a platform for students to develop innovative solutions to daily life challenges. This year's edition saw record participation, with over 86,000 teams competing at the institute level and 49,000 qualifying for the national round. The scale of events was significantly larger, with over 250 problem statements provided by 54 ministries, state governments, public sector units (PSUs) and industries.

The software edition of the Smart India Hackathon will run from December 11-12, while the hardware edition will continue until December 15. Participants address challenges around 17 critical themes, including intelligent automation, health technology, renewable energy, space technology and disaster management.

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