Donald Trump can't stop devaluing Canada
President-elect Donald Trump is once again trolling Canada's prime minister, but it's no longer clear that Justin Trudeau is in on it, if he ever was. It was a pleasure having dinner the other night with Governor Justin Trudeau of the great state of Canada, Trump wrote in an article published Monday evening in Truth Social. I look forward to seeing the Governor again soon so we can continue our in-depth discussions on tariffs and trade, the results of which will be truly spectacular for all!
Trump's message echoed comments he first made during a dinner with Trudeau in late November and appeared to respond to the prime minister's escalating rhetoric on trade and tariffs. Trump has threatened to impose a 25% import tax on Canadian and Mexican products entering the United States. At an event in Halifax on Monday, Trudeau suggested that Canada would respond to such a tax with new tariffs, as it did in 2018. He also warned that tariffs on Canadian goods would significantly increase the price that Americans pay for essential products like natural products. gas, fuel oil and electricity. Trump was elected because of his commitment to making life better and more affordable for Americans, Trudeau said, and I think people south of the border are starting to wake up to the reality that tariffs on everything who comes from Canada would make life much more expensive.
This is not the outcome Canadians were hoping for in their trade negotiations with Trump. Trudeau and several other dignitaries visited Mar-a-Lago in late November for a private dinner with the president-elect, during which Trump first joked about Canada becoming the 51st U.S. state. The Canadian delegation appeared to take the joke in stride, telling reporters that they understood Trump was making fun of him and that they believed they had convinced him not to associate Canada and Mexico for trade policy purposes. But during a Sunday appearance on NBC's Meet the Press, Trump doubled down: I strongly believe in tariffs, he said. We subsidize Mexico and we subsidize Canada.
Last week, Trudeau met with Canadian opposition leaders to discuss relations with the United States in light of Trump's threats. The country is still looking for the right ways to respond, Trudeau said yesterday, but suggested it would respond as it did eight years ago, when Trump imposed tariffs on some Canadian products under his first administration . At the time, Canada imposed retaliatory tariffs on U.S. industries in politically sensitive areas such as Wisconsin, the home state of then-House Speaker Paul Ryan. If Canadians try to do this again, Trudeau could have the last laugh. We've put tariffs on bourbon, Harley-Davidsons, playing cards, Heinz ketchup, cherries and a number of other products that have been very carefully targeted, Trudeau said Monday, because they had a political impact on the president's party and his colleagues.
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