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Turkish President Erdogan acts as mediator in Somalia-Ethiopia conflict over Somaliland independence – News 24

Turkish President Erdogan acts as mediator in Somalia-Ethiopia conflict over Somaliland independence – News 24


Turkey has already hosted two rounds of negotiations between its East African neighbors. A third round of negotiations, initially scheduled for September, was canceled in a context of escalating tensions, a sign of the difficulties encountered in resolving the conflict.

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held separate meetings Wednesday (December 11) with the leaders of Somalia and Ethiopia in a bid to mediate a simmering dispute between the two East African countries over the breakaway region of Somaliland.

Erdogan met with Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in Ankara, according to messages published on X, the former Twitter platform of the Turkish presidency. Details of the discussions were not disclosed.

The Ethiopian Prime Minister's Office confirmed Abiys' bilateral meeting with Erdogan, which was attended by delegations from both countries. Somali national channel SNTV reported that Mohamud and Erdogan discussed strengthening bilateral relations and preparing for a third round of talks between Somalia and Ethiopia, mediated by Turkey.

Divide around Somaliland

The dispute stems from Ethiopia's plan to build a port in Somaliland, a region that declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but has not gained international recognition. Somaliland has maintained relative peace and stability while governing itself, but Somalia remains staunchly opposed to independence.

Ethiopia, a landlocked country with troops stationed in Somalia to fight Al-Shabab militants, has indicated its willingness to recognize Somaliland's independence in exchange for a strategic strip of land near the intersection of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean.

Tensions have strained relations between the two countries, with Somalia moving closer to Ethiopia's regional adversaries, including Egypt and Eritrea.

Both have long-standing disputes with Addis Ababa, notably over Ethiopia's construction of a massive hydroelectric dam on the Nile.

Turkey, which has close ties to Ethiopia and Somalia, has sought to mediate the dispute. Ankara provides development aid to Somalia and trains its security forces, strengthening its influence along a key global maritime route. Turkey has already hosted two rounds of negotiations between its East African neighbors.

A third round of talks, initially scheduled for September, was canceled amid escalating tensions, a sign of difficulties in resolving the rift. Erdogan's meetings with Mohamud and Abiy are seen as part of ongoing efforts to repair relations and restart dialogue between the two nations.

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