Ahead of Trump's return, Biden approves national security memo on China, Iran, North Korea and Russia
WASHINGTON (AP) President Joe Biden approved a new national security memorandum ahead of Donald Trump's return to the White House that could serve as a road map for the new administration as it seeks to counter growing cooperation between the China, Iran, North Korea and Russia. , the White House announced Wednesday.
Biden administration officials began developing these guidelines this summer. According to two senior administration officials, it was designed to be a document that could help the next administration craft from day one its approach to how it handles tightening relationships involving America's most important adversaries and competitors. America.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity in accordance with ground rules established by the White House, said the classified memorandum would not be made public because of the sensitivity of some of its findings.
The document includes four broad recommendations: improving U.S. government interagency cooperation, accelerating information sharing with allies on the four adversaries, calibrating the U.S. government's use of sanctions and other economic tools for maximum effectiveness, and strengthen preparation for managing simultaneous crises involving adversaries.
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The United States has been concerned about cooperation between the four countries for many years. Coordination has accelerated between the countries following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
Officials noted that as Russia has become more isolated from much of the world, Moscow has turned to Iran for its drones and missiles. From North Korea, the Russians received artillery, missiles and even thousands of troops who traveled to help the Russians push back Ukrainian forces from the Kursk region. China, meanwhile, has supported Russia by providing dual-use components that help keep its military-industrial base afloat.
In return, Russia sent fighter jets to Iran and helped Tehran strengthen its missile defense and space technology.
North Korea has received much-needed fuel and funds from Russia to help it develop its industrial and military capabilities. The officials added that Russia had de facto accepted North Korea as a nuclear weapons state.
China, meanwhile, benefits from Russian know-how, with the two countries working together to deepen military technical cooperation. The two countries also conduct joint patrols in the Arctic region.
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Biden and Trump have very different worldviews, but officials from the incoming and outgoing administrations have said they have sought to coordinate on national security issues during the transition.
One of the officials said Biden's White House memo was not trying to box (the Trump administration) in or tilt it toward one policy option or another.
The official said the document is intended to help the next administration build capacity as it shapes policies on some of the most difficult foreign policies it will face.
Sources 2/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/ahead-of-trumps-return-biden-approves-national-security-memo-on-china-iran-north-korea-and-russia The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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