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Xi Jinping for greater security and wider use of Mandarin in border areas

Xi Jinping for greater security and wider use of Mandarin in border areas


(, December 1124) Addressing the ruling party's highest decision-making body, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on December 9 that it is necessary to guide all ethnic groups in border areas to continuously improve their recognition of the Chinese nation, Chinese culture and the Communist Party. Party and that Mandarin should be spoken more widely in these regions.

Addressing a Politburo study session, Xi said maintaining security and stability was the basic requirement of border governance, the December 10, quoting an official news agency China report of December 11.

To this end, the use of the common Chinese language, Mandarin, and nationally unified textbooks should be encouraged, he said.

We must continue to deepen our efforts for ethnic unity and progress, actively build an integrated social structure and community environment, and promote the unity of all ethnic groups like the closely related pomegranate seeds, a Xi said.

Xi reportedly renewed those calls as the 24-member Politburo held a group study session on the history of China's border governance.

The report notes that the Politburo regularly holds such sessions, with discussions usually led by an academic. The December 9 session was reportedly led by Li Guoqiang, vice president of the Chinese Academy of History.

The borders of the People's Republic of China extend over five provinces of Yunnan in the southwest, Gansu in the northwest, and Jilin, Liaoning and Heilongjiang in the northeast, as well as four autonomous regions in Tibet and Uighur Xinjiang to the west and Inner Mongolia to the north. and Guangxi Zhuang in the south, the report notes.

Ethnic tensions in these autonomous regions, particularly in Xinjiang and Tibet, have always posed a challenge for Beijing.

The report said that in recent years authorities have stepped up efforts to promote the teaching of Mandarin as part of a nationwide campaign to assimilate people from ethnic minorities into the majority Han culture. But that has led to large-scale street protests amid fears the indigenous language could be wiped out, notably in Inner Mongolia and parts of historic Tibet.

The development of border areas must be integrated into the overall modernization strategy with Chinese characteristics, coordinated regional development strategies and major regional strategies, China Xi was quoted as saying.

He also called for efforts to support border areas to leverage their resources and advantages to achieve development.

He wants more multidisciplinary research on border history and governance and accelerated efforts to establish a Chinese knowledge system on border studies, the report added.

“No border area should be left behind in the advancement of China’s modernization,” he said. China A December 10 report cited Xi's remarks in an English-language report.

The English language China The report on Xi's speech at the study session contained no reference to increased use of Mandarin in border areas and focused mainly on emphasizing good governance and high-quality development in border areas .




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