Differences in the results of Jokowi's solo support: Respati wins, Lutfhi loses
tirto.id – The results of the 2024 Surakarta regional election recap were released by the Surakarta KPU on Wednesday (04/12/2024). The results show that the candidate couple for the position of mayor and deputy mayor of Surakarta number 2, Respati Ardi-Astrid Widayani, is ahead of the candidate couple Teguh Prakosa-Bambang Nugraha. Respati-Astrid managed to garner 185,970 votes, while Teguh-Bambang received 121,471 votes.
Respati-Astrid was supported by the KIM Plus party coalition, while Teguh-Bambang was supported by the PDIP. Therefore, kRespati-Astrid's victory at once undermine PDIP dominance dEastUrakarta survives for 24 years later.
SIt is common knowledge that candidatescandidate regional leaders promoted by KIM Plus also received support from P.Indonesia's 7th resident, Joko Widodo. so no exceptions Respati-Astrid and Also Cagup-Cawagub Central Java, Ahmad Luthfi-Taj Yassine.
On several occasions, Respati also admitted that he always received messages from Jokowi to continue and realize the vision.her for Surakarta Before.
A few days before the first debate on the Surakarta Pilkada, mFor example, Respatitook the time to meet Jokowi.
[Jokowi] transmit messages. Densure that national programs remain in favor of the community. SuppressorA“Yes, Solo will be calm and comfortable,” he told reporters after the first debate taking placeThursday (10/31/2024).
Asked how important Jokowi's role was in his victory, Respati said it was very important because Jokowi was a figure. Which respected
According to observers sosiology ppolicy Since Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta, Rezza Dian Akbar, victory of Respati-Astrid In fact not surprising and predictable. SIn addition to the support of the authorities or oligarchs, in a context electionthe greatest opportunity to win elections is to attract the votes of the apolitical masses.
“In the political context of electoral contestation, the greatest chance of winning an election is the ability to attract apolitical masses who then often become swing the voters,” Rezza said.
Rezza judge thatIn S city backgroundurakartaAlways more Many people have emotional closeness to Jokowi compared to the PDIP. The PDIP crowd in Solo is certainly more dominant, but there are more masses apolitical and here it is support Jokowi play an important role.
“The PDIP masses will still be outnumbered by those who are not PDIP cadres, but their votes will still be pending. Well, this is why Jokowi's role becomes important because at the end of the day, the apolitical masses in Surakarta are still politically linked to Jokowi. rather than the PDIP, which is why they chose pairs of candidates who integrate.approve Jokowi,” Rezza explained.
Apart from thatRezza assessThe PDIP political machine in Solo is no longer strong. According to him, many PDIP Solo cadres failed to win Teguh-Bambang. They are realized that it would be more profitable to be on the side of Respati-Astrid than to defend the interests of the party.
“They are [kader PDIP Solo] know for sure that the candidate who wins is Jokowi and not the PDIP. They are well aware that if they support Teguh-Bambang, they are making a mistake and risking curry.er the future of politics in Surakarta,” Rezza explained.
“That [mendekat ke kubu Respati-Astrid] “It is more promising because, according to the laws of political nature, prosperity will come closer when we are close to the leader and not the loser,” he continued.
Another view was expressed by Ignatius Agung Satyawan, an academic Ilmu kcommunication Since UNS Surakarta. Agung mebrandthat The socialization carried out by Respati-Astrid was considered more massive than that of Teguh-Bambang.
I think the problem is the introduction or socialization factor, both in terms of numbers and vision and mission. Respati-Astrid is much more massive than Teguh-Bambang, Agung said.
According to him, Teguh, as an incumbent, has the opportunity to showcase the achievements of the work he did previously with Gibran. However, he apparently did not explore this capital sufficiently.
PDIP Surakarta not solid?
Di Solo, phenomenal interesting what actually happened in the Central Java regional election results. Candidate Ahmad Luthfi-Taj Yasin, who is also supported by KIM Plus and isapprove Jokowi in fact, I lost the vote share to Paslong Andika Perkasa-Hendrar Prihadi supported by the PDIP.
Based on the recapitulation results of the Surakarta KPU, Andika-Hendi received 161,008 votes, while Luthfi-Yasin received 161,008 votes.mobtained 143,738 votes.
Seeing this phenomenon, Rezza I had the impression that the PDIP executives were ambivalent during these regional elections. Rezza explained that mdesign apparently I still want to be a PDIP cadre, but at the same time I don't want to be far from Jokowi's figure.
For this reason, PDIP Solo being passive or unenthusiastic in supporting Teguh-Bambang in the Surakarta regional elections. Rezza believes that even though Andika-Hendi won in Solo, PDIP Solo executives also behaved nothing to lose.
I mean, they Also I know for sure that Kans Luthfi-Yasin winning in Central Java is bigger than Andika-Hendi. So the victory Andika-Hendi in Solo In fact No ttoo influential on the results of the Central Java regional elections.
“If they then support the Andika-Hendi pair in Solo, it’s not too risky for Karier their policy at the Surakarta level because it is not the context of Surakarta. The governor is in Semarang, so they will not come into direct contact. Ethere are no interests as close as those of the Surakarta authorities. They everything came out win Andika-Hendi because they have attitude nothing to lose which is antithetical, Rezza said.
Meanwhile, according to Agung, the inhabitants of Solo in contextpilkada at the provincial level apparently take a closer look at the candidates' numbers rather than who is behind it all.
I suspect the cause lies in the personal personalities of the candidates. Andika-Hendrar's silhouette is more acceptable to the inhabitants of Solo. TIn particular, Andika is known as a national personality and has a TNI background, Agung said when contacted. donorTirtoFriday (06/12/24).
According to the description aRezza and Agung's argument, We have the impression that the internal Surakarta PDIP is not strong. For example, indications of this lack of solidity can be seen in the actions several PDIP S executivesurakarta who turned to support the Respati-Astrid couple.
Sone of the PDIP executives Surakarta Which defection is Ginda Ferachtriawan. He is in a hurry expressed support for Respati-Astrid.
According tocreamRespati-Astrid couple is a candidate Which most worthy and capable continuing Gibran's leadership in Solo.
“So if I was asked who I would support, my choice would be Mas Respati and Mbak Astrid,” Ginda told the media on Monday (11/11/2024).
Until nowGinda always Statusas Solo cadres of the PDIP. Mr.old Thus,East admitted to being expelled from the WhatsApp group of PDIP Solo executives. Yes also admitted that he was ready receivePDIP sanctions for its support of the Respati-Astrid camp.
“I am ready to explain my decision to my friends in the party considering that I have defected,” he explained.
If my opinions can be heard by the mayoral candidates, why not? SMeanwhile, within the party itself there may be different opinions. I don't care about the consequences. SI just want the best for Solo, Ginda concluded.
Before Ginda punThere are already two PDIP Solo executives who have expressed their support for the Respati-Astrid couple, namely Wawanto and Dyah Retno.
Wawanto is a PDIP Solo cadre who said he would not be included in the winning Teguh-Bambang team. He reasoned that The entry of Bambang's name was not subject to an internal selection process at the DPC, DPD or DPP PDIP levels.
In PDIP Solo DPC internal consolidation meeting pit is August 29, 2024, Interview even admitted to having received threats from FX Come on Rudyatmosphere. Interview later reported it to the Surakarta police.
Then, on November 10, 2024, Wawanto declared its support for the Respati-Astrid pair. Mr.According to him, Respati and Astrid are young and visionary figures.
“What the people of Solo need can be achieved and the program cannot struggle[tanpa kenyataan]“Wawanto said.
Domination of the PDIP, hegemony of Jokowi
So, what about the Kekua card?tanned between PDIP and Jokowi in Surakarta? According to Rezza, when we talk about domination, the PDIP remains the strongest party in Solo.
However, when we talk about hegemony of influence And inner-emotional connection, Solo residents feel closer to Jokowi. According to Rezza, Jokowi is local pride for the residents of Surakarta.
“PDIP's dominance continues to emerge in an institutional and legislative nature, but in a financial context, Jokowi still has a strong hegemony in the political aspect in Surakarta,” said Rezza.
“Jokowi's hegemony is eroding PDIP's dominance, tthe fire did not go out. “The PDIP is no longer the only leader of Surakarta,” he added.
Meanwhile, according to a UNS political anthropologist, Aris Arif Mundayhas, there is a politics of taste or the politics of affect which has been played by Jokowi for the past 10 years. The politics of sentiment is demonstrated by welfare which makes people believe that the leader is a savior “god”.
Hal Ithe plague which won the pair of regional head candidates promoted by KIM Plus and supported by Jokowi, including Respati-Astrid.
“Jokowi is behind Luthfi and everything came out for KIM Plus. Jokowi's victory, according to sYes, why is he strong enough because there are welfare-based models that make Jokowi's strength significant in several places. This is what we call a political game of taste. Very influential to voters in almost many places. “More than 50 percent of voters are on welfare,” Aris said when contacted donorTirtoFriday (6/12/2024).
politics of taste, continued Aris, has characteristics of parochial feeling. Aris compares him to a shepherd who gives grass everywhere so that those he shepherds smell it. berThank you for providing the grass.
“There is a sense of parochialism. Following the political shepherd,” Aris added.
Aris also added that this politics of feelings was effective among people with little education. According to him, this politics of feeling will disappear if society has class consciousness or critical consciousness.
Sources 2/ https://tirto.id/beda-hasil-dukungan-jokowi-di-solo-respati-menang-lutfhi-kalah-g6EN The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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