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Does Ahok regret working with Jokowi? Here is the answer

Does Ahok regret working with Jokowi? Here is the answer – Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok answered questions that concerned some Indonesians. Does he regret working with Joko Widodo?

This question came from a user on the YouTube content What Is Up, Indonesia? (WIUI). This English content features Ahok as guest stars Andovi da Lopez and Abigail Limuria.

“Do you regret that Mr. Ahok worked with Mr. Jokowi? » asked Abigail while reading the questions from Internet users.

Hearing this question, Ahok immediately asked it disclaimer that he had to respond to it as an obligation to be a guest star.

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I answer not for myself, but for you because you force me to answer. [Aku jawab ini bukan demi diri sendiri ya, tapi karena kalian memaksa -red]”Ahok said.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta responded philosophically. He believes that everything that happens in his life has a reason.

I have never been afraid of what happens in my life. I believe that everything happens for my own good. [Aku nggak pernah takut tentang apapun yang terjadi di hidupku. Aku yakin semuanya terjadi untuk kebaikanku sendiri]“Ahok replied.

You have a lesson to learn more, to become wiser. [Kamu dapat sesuatu untuk dipelajari, untuk membuatmu lebih bijaksana],” Ahok continued.

The man who wanted to be called BTP said his belief in someone led his child to call him bucin, aka slave of love.

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My son calls me Bucin. If I trust someone I really trust. But after something happens, we will realize it. (At) first I might feel very sad. But everything comes back very quickly with my meditation, which is good. It's like detox for me. I have a new life.
[Anakku memanggilku bucin. Kalau aku yakin pada seseorang, aku akan sangat percaya. Tapi setelah terjadi sesuatu, aku bakal sadar. Pertamanya pasti aku akan sangat sedih. Tapi semuanya kembali dengan cepat karena meditasiku. Bagus kan. Ibaratnya seperti detox buatku. Ada kehidupan baru]” Ahok explained.

Finally, Ahok admitted that he never regretted his collaboration with Jokowi.

That's why I never regret it. [Itulah kenapa aku nggak pernah menyesal]” concluded Ahok.

Along with Jokowi, Ahok served as governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta. Both had been in office since 2012, before Jokowi resigned because he was scheduled to run in the 2024 presidential election.

Both of them have made achievements as governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta. Even though during the 2012 DKI Jakarta Pilkada Ahok came from the Gerindra Party, the two were in the same boat, namely in the PDI Perjuangan.

Ahok and Jokowi split again when the former Indonesian president appeared to have split from PDIP and formed a coalition with other parties to support Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 presidential election.




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