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Trump chooses Kari Lake as director of Voice of America | Trump administration

Trump chooses Kari Lake as director of Voice of America | Trump administration


President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Kari Lake as director of Voice of America, naming a staunch loyalist and immigration hardliner to lead the congressionally funded channel that provides independent news around the world entire.

Lake, who unsuccessfully ran for governor of Arizona and a Senate seat, was a television news anchor in Phoenix for nearly three decades until leaving in 2021 after doing a series of controversial statements on social media, including sharing misinformation about Covid-19 during the pandemic.

She launched her political career soon after, quickly building a loyal following and national profile by clashing with journalists and echoing Trump in her harsh criticism of what she calls fake news. In 2022, she said she would be journalists' worst nightmare if she won the race for governor of Arizona.

She endeared herself to Trump through her dogmatic commitment to the lie that she and Trump were victims of election fraud. She never conceded defeat in the 2022 gubernatorial race and lost her Senate race last month by an even larger margin. Trump considered her as his vice presidential running mate before deciding on JD Vance.

Trump has in the past been a fierce critic of Voice of America (VOA), notably saying in 2020 that the things they say are disgusting to our country.

The channel drew further criticism during Trump's first term for its coverage of the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, with a White House publication accusing him of using taxpayer dollars to speak on behalf of authoritarian regimes because that she was covering the lifting of the lockdown in the Chinese city of Wuhan. , where the virus first appeared.

VOA was founded during World War II, and its congressional charter requires it to present independent news to international audiences. He responded to Trump's criticism by defending his media coverage.

Upon taking office in January 2021, President Joe Biden's administration quickly removed a number of senior Trump-aligned officials from VOA and positions affiliated with it.

Also Wednesday, Trump announced Leandro Rizzuto as his choice to be the U.S. ambassador to the Washington-based Organization of American States and said he wanted the Florida injury lawyer bodies, Dan Newlin, to be his administration's ambassador to Colombia.

He also chose Peter Lamelas, a physician and founder of one of Florida's largest urgent care companies, as U.S. ambassador to Argentina. Lamelas is also a major donor to the past campaigns of Trump and other prominent Republicans.




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