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Somalia, Ethiopia agree compromise to end tensions, says Turkish leader | Conflict News

Somalia, Ethiopia agree compromise to end tensions, says Turkish leader | Conflict News


Turkish President Erdogan announced the breakthrough after talks between Ethiopian and Somali leaders in Ankara.

Somalia and Ethiopia have agreed to a joint declaration to resolve their dispute over the breakaway Somaliland region and landlocked Ethiopia's efforts to access the sea, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced.

Speaking at a joint news conference in Ankara, Erdogan on Wednesday evening thanked Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for their historic reconciliation.

Welcoming the agreement, Erdogan said he hoped the agreement would be the first step towards a new beginning based on peace and cooperation between Somalia and Ethiopia, and would ultimately ensure that Ethiopia , the world's most populous landlocked country, gains access to the sea.

I believe that with the meeting we had today, especially with the Ethiopian demands for access to the sea, my brother Sheikh Mohamud will provide the necessary support to access the sea, the Turkish leader said.

This joint statement focuses on the future and not the past, and records the principles that these two friendly countries, which are very important for us, will build from now on, Erdogan later said in a post on social media.

The two neighboring Horn of Africa countries have seen tensions rise since Ethiopia reached a deal in January with Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland to lease part of its coastline for a port and military base. Ethiopians in exchange for diplomatic recognition, although this was never the case. confirmed by Addis Ababa.

The decision sparked a violent diplomatic and military row with Somalia, which called the agreement a violation of its sovereignty, raising international alarm over the risk of a resumption of conflict as the dispute pitted Egypt against 'Eritrea, long-time rivals of Ethiopia.

Somaliland seceded from Somalia more than 30 years ago but is not recognized by either the African Union or the United Nations as an independent state. Somalia still considers Somaliland to be part of its territory.

Over the years, Somaliland has built a stable political environment, in stark contrast to Somalia struggling with insecurity and deadly attacks by Al-Shabab rebels.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy and Somali President Mohamud arrived in Ankara on Wednesday for the talks, which are the last after two previous meetings that made little progress.

According to the text of the agreement released by Turkey, the parties agreed to leave behind differences of opinion and contentious issues and resolutely move forward in cooperation towards common prosperity.

Both agreed to work together on trade arrangements and bilateral agreements that would guarantee Ethiopia reliable, secure and sustainable access to the sea under the sovereign authority of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

They will now begin technical negotiations no later than the end of February, which must be completed within four months, and remaining differences must be resolved through dialogue and, if necessary, with the support of Turkey.

Speaking alongside Erdogan, his remarks translated into Turkish, Ethiopia's Abiy said: We have resolved the misunderstandings that arose over the past year.

Ethiopia's desire for secure access to the sea is a peaceful endeavor that will benefit our neighbors. It's an endeavor that should be viewed in a spirit of cooperation, not suspicion, he said.

The Somali leader, whose remarks were also translated, said the agreement had put an end to their differences and that his nation was ready to work with the Ethiopian leaders and people.

Turkey has been acting as a mediator between the two countries since July, leading discussions aimed at resolving their differences.




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