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Amazon plans to donate $1 million to President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration

Amazon plans to donate  million to President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration



Amazon plans to donate $1 million to President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration, a person familiar with the matter told CNN. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is expected to visit Trump in person in the coming days, as he and other tech founders seek closer relationships with the new president.

Amazon will donate $1 million in cash to the inauguration and make a $1 million in-kind donation by streaming the event on Amazon Video, the company confirmed to CNN Thursday evening.

Bezos and Trump spoke this summer after the first assassination attempt. Bezos then publicly congratulated Trump.

Our former president showed extraordinary grace and courage under literal fire tonight, Bezos wrote on X at the time.

Trump has moved closer to tech giants. He has flaunted his private conversations with them in interviews and appearances and now praises the companies he once blamed in part for his 2020 election defeat.

The Wall Street Journal was first to report the planned donation.

Bezos joins other tech leaders in seeking a closer relationship with the president-elect.

Meta confirmed Wednesday that it donated $1 million to the inaugural fund, two weeks after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg met privately with Trump at Mar-a-Lago. This is a major change from the company's previous approach to Trump nearly four years ago, when it banned him from its platforms following the insurrection on June 6. January 2021.

Trump had also previously criticized Bezos for his ownership of the Washington Post and media coverage of him.

Trump tweeted in 2015: If @amazon were ever to pay fair taxes, its stock would collapse and collapse like a paper bag. The @washingtonpost scam is saving him!

Most recently, the Post was thrown into turmoil in late October after Bezos withheld his support for the 2024 presidential race.

Presidential endorsements do nothing to tip the scales of an election, Bezos wrote in an op-ed. No undecided voter in Pennsylvania will say, “I choose to support the As newspaper.” None. In reality, presidential endorsements create a perception of bias. A perception of non-independence. Ending it is a decision of principle, and it is the right one.

This decision had profound consequences for the newspaper. Members of the Post's editorial board resigned over the decision not to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, and thousands of readers canceled their subscriptions to the paper. Staff members also publicly expressed their disagreement.

Trump also met with executives from Blue Origin, a space company founded by Bezos. In his opinion piece, Bezos denied allegations that he withheld the endorsement to curry favor with Trump, saying he had no prior knowledge of the meeting.

Trump has also clashed with Zuckerberg several times over the years. The president-elect appeared to threaten the Meta leader in a book published this year.

We are monitoring him closely, and if he does something illegal this time, he will spend the rest of his life in prison, just like others who cheated in the 2024 presidential election, he said. he writes.

This story has been updated with additional context and developments.

CNN's Elisabeth Buchwald, Jon Passantino and Liam Reilly contributed to this report.




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