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PAN welcomed Jokowi and his family to join

PAN welcomed Jokowi and his family to join


Friday, December 13, 2024 – 10:12 WIB

Jakarta The Secretary General of the National Mandate Party or PAN, Eko Hendro Purnomo, assured that his party opens its doors as widely as possible to the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and his family, if they wish to join in as PAN executives. Eko also guarantees this.

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The politician more familiarly known as Eko Patrio said his party had given Jokowi the opportunity to contribute to the PAN.

“For Pak Jokowi's family, especially Pak Jokowi, we too to welcome“One thousand percent, we provide opportunities and contribute greatly to the progress of the National Mandate Party,” Eko told reporters, quoted Friday, December 13, 2024.

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Eko continued to say that there was nothing wrong with the PAN providing a “blue carpet” for Jokowi, whom he considers a statesman with strong leadership abilities. Moreover, it is still very popular among the Indonesian people.

“Also, the Indonesian people's love for Pak Jokowi was very high, 70 to 80 percent at that time,” he said.

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Eko also confirmed that PAN General Chairman Zulkifli Hasan established communication with Jokowi. But his party returned the decision to the former two-term president.

“So that means that communication is being built, it's just a matter of Pak Jokowi's goal, whether he wants to join the party or not, it's up to him,” said Eko.

So now it depends on Pak Jokowi, if it's on us, that's it to welcome just,” he added.

Previously, many political parties had prepared a place for Jokowi, including Vice President Gibaran Rakabuming Raka, after the PDIP declared that Jokowi and his family were no longer part of the PDIP. This statement comes as the party decided to fire dozens of its executives who did not respect party rules.

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“So now it depends on Pak Jokowi, whether we are welcome,” he added.

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