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Analysis of Jokowi's meeting with Lippo boss in Solo

Analysis of Jokowi's meeting with Lippo boss in Solo


The analysis of the meeting between Joko Widodo and the Lippo leaders in Solo can be considered from several strategic and political points of view:

1. Economic and commercial dimensions

Investment Responsibilities:

The Lippo Group may want to resolve outstanding issues related to Meikarta, including efforts to safeguard its assets and resolve its obligations to consumers.

In this context, they can seek support from Joko Widodo to take advantage of his position as an influential figure who still has extensive networks in business and government.

New project or business repositioning:

There is a possibility of discussions regarding new business opportunities under the Prabowo government era, which could be facilitated by Gibran Rakabuming as regional leader and rising political figure.

2. Political and power dimensions

Change in political support:

This meeting can be considered as a consolidation step to maintain access to circles of power, particularly ahead of the new government.

Given Lippo's significant role in supporting various Jokowi-era projects, they may want to ensure that the power transition does not marginalize their business interests.

Symbolic message:

By not meeting directly with President-elect Prabowo, there is a political message that Lippo still views Joko Widodo as an important figure in the power map, perhaps to ensure the legacy of an unfinished project.

3. Possible future strategy:

Renegotiation of the Meikarta project:

If this meeting results in a resolution of the Meikarta problem, the new government may be invited to negotiate with an approach more favorable to Lippo.

Political or economic compensation:

Lippo may want to obtain some compensation, either in the form of new infrastructure projects or in the form of removing legal burdens related to Meikarta.


This meeting can be seen as a proactive step to reduce potential legal risks and business losses, while building relationships with influential figures in the new government. The reluctance to meet directly with President Prabowo could indicate that there is still political distance or uncertainty about Lippo's strategic position in the next government.

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