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Boss Lippo's business trip to meet Jokowi solo

Boss Lippo's business trip to meet Jokowi solo



7th President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received important guests at his house in Solo, Central Java. The guest was Mochtar Riady, founder of the Lippo group.

Jokowi shared the meeting via upload to his Instagram account, @jokowi. In the upload, Jokowi is seen sitting across from the Riady family at a long table. You can also see that Mochtar Riady's family wears batik together.

“I welcome the presence of Mr. Mochtar Riady, Mr. James Riady, Mr. John Riady and their families at the residence,” Jokowi said, quoted in the upload, Friday (13/12/2024).



Jokowi was grateful for the presence of Mochtar Riady and his family. Moreover, considering the age of the founder of the Lippo Group, who is now 95 years old, he still manages to stop at Solo.

“Especially Mr. Mochtar Riady, who is 95 years old, is still in good health and tries to stop in Solo. Thank you for coming, I really appreciate this friendship,” Jokowi said.

Mochtar Riady's business trip on the next page.

Mochtar Riady's business trips

Mochtar Riady himself is known as an accomplished entrepreneur in Indonesia. Mochtar Riady is one of the richest people in Indonesia and received the nickname “the magic of banking marketing” because he managed to save large banks from bankruptcy.

According to detikcom records, Mochtar Riady was born on May 9, 1929 in Malang, East Java. He is famous as an Indonesian entrepreneur and banking practitioner who was able to expand his business group overseas.

He is the founder and chairman of the Lippo group, currently managed by his sons, James and Stephen.

Quoted from Lippo Group's official website, Mochtar Riady began exploring the business world at the age of 22, opening a bicycle shop in Jakarta in 1954. From there, his journey began, until that he succeeds in making the Lippo group one of the leading companies in Asia.

Shortly after opening his business, Riady entered the banking world. In a report by the Asia Society and Peoplaid, between 1960 and 1971 he transformed the deficit conditions of several Indonesian banks into large surpluses. Mochtar founded Panin Bank by merging four banks, until it became Indonesia's largest private bank.

In 1975, Riady headed Bank Central Asia (BCA) at the request of Liem Sioe Liong, founder of the Salim group. And when he left in 1990, BCA's assets were worth more than IDR 7.5 trillion, with an annual net profit of IDR 53 billion. This number has tripled since joining BCA.

In 1992, with Liem's ​​help, he founded Lippo Bank with Hasjim Ning. During the financial crisis of 1997, when dozens of other banks failed, Lippo Bank not only managed to survive, but also managed to grow.

Building on this success, Riady also founded the Lippo Group, a group of companies that not only covers numerous financial services but has also diversified into real estate, infrastructure, education and urban development.

The Lippo Group has grown exponentially into a vast business empire, with operations in various countries. Lippo has even become one of the most respected companies in the Asia-Pacific region.

Lippo Karawaci is one of them, famous in Indonesia as an independent city composed of housing, commercial districts, universities and hospitals.

In the field of education, Riady founded the Pelita Harapan School and Pelita Harapan University in Indonesia. He has also served as president or board member of several higher education institutions, including the University of Indonesia, Xiamen University in China, Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Arkansas and Southern University. California, where Riady was the first foreigner to serve as guardian.

Not only that, Riady also helps support the teaching and research process, some of which fit into his philanthropic activities like the Mochtar Riady Institute of Nanotechnology (MRIN), a cancer research center founded in Indonesia in 2006.




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