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PM Narendra Modi's 11 resolutions include maintaining reservations, no to religion-based quotas

PM Narendra Modi's 11 resolutions include maintaining reservations, no to religion-based quotas


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday moved 11 resolutions, including retaining existing reservations for marginalized sections, but strongly opposing any quota based on religion.

Replying to a two-day debate in Lok Sabha on the “glorious 75-year journey of the Indian Constitution”, Modi said the Constituent Assembly had decided against reservations based on religion after extensive discussion, and claimed that Congress was now promising it. to appease his vote bank.

The 11 resolutions proposed by Modi at the end of his more than 110-minute speech also included a call for an end to dynastic politics, the promotion of meritocracy rather than nepotism in governance and a commitment to have zero tolerance for with regard to corruption.

The Prime Minister said these resolutions are aimed at shaping the future of India.

But Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav termed the 11 resolutions as “empty and false promises”. “Today we heard the resolution of the 11 sentence. Doubling farmers' income was totalproviding 1 crore jobs was a totalthe Agniveer program and GST are also a total» said Yadav.

The Prime Minister stressed that these resolutions should guide both citizens and the government in building a stronger and more inclusive nation.

He said collective efforts and commitment to constitutional values ​​were essential for national progress.

The first resolution asks everyone to carry out their duties. “Whether it is individuals or the administration, everyone must take responsibility,” Modi said.

The second calls for inclusive development in all regions and communities, inscribed in the philosophy of the support of all, the development of each.

The third resolution is a zero-tolerance commitment to corruption, emphasizing the need for society to reject corrupt individuals. “There should be no social acceptance of those involved in corruption,” Modi asserted.

The Prime Minister's fourth resolution aimed to instill pride among citizens in the country's laws and regulations, ensuring that they reflect the aspirations of the nation.

The fifth resolution aims to break free from the colonial mentality and foster pride in India's heritage and heritage. Modi's sixth resolution called for an end to dynastic politics and promotion of meritocracy rather than nepotism in governance.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of respecting the Constitution in the seventh resolution and urged that the policy document should not be misused for political purposes.

In the eighth resolution, the Prime Minister assured that reservations given to marginalized communities would not be removed and strongly opposed any attempt to introduce reservations based on religion.

The ninth resolution proposed by the Prime Minister considered India as a global example in women-led development, promoting gender equality and leadership.

The 10th resolution emphasized the mantra of national development through regional growth, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between the state and national progress.

The 11th and final resolution highlights the vision of One India, Shrestha Bharat, foster unity and national pride.

The Prime Minister called for collective efforts to implement these resolutions, aligning with the founding ethos of the Constitution: “We, the people”.




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