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EU presents three major demands to UK as Starmer seeks new post-Brexit trade deal

EU presents three major demands to UK as Starmer seeks new post-Brexit trade deal


Brussels is reportedly preparing to ask the UK to respect European Union laws for the first time since Brexit, amid plans for a new trade deal with Mr Keir Starmer.

It comes as the Prime Minister attempts to reset the UK's relationship with the bloc after years of strained relations under successive Conservative prime ministers.

Although Sir Keir has repeatedly insisted that the UK will not re-enter the single market in his lifetime, he has pledged to make Brexit work by renegotiating the deal struck by Boris Johnson and by pursuing closer cooperation, particularly in the areas of defence, security and trade.

A template for EU negotiators reviewing the trade deal, as seen by The timessays EU leaders are considering making the UK's acceptance of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) a red line for improved trade relations.

The document would also outline UK fishing concessions and a youth mobility program as key priorities for the EU.

Keir Starmer attempts to pursue a reset with the EU (Getty)Keir Starmer attempts to pursue a reset with the EU (Getty)

Keir Starmer attempts to pursue a reset with the EU (Getty)

The ECJ is the EU's judicial authority and ensures compliance with EU laws.

According to the document, the EU would also ask the United Kingdom to allow European fishermen access to British waters.

It says the UK must agree to maintaining the status quo on EU boat access to UK waters before negotiations can begin, including the same levels of catch quotas as currently in force.

The plans have sparked outrage from fishing groups, with Charles Clover, co-founder of conservation charity Blue Marine Foundation, saying the demands are absolutely outrageous.

If agreed, he said, they would allow French trawlers to raid British marine protected areas.

The document is expected to be presented to a council of EU ministers next week, ahead of the start of formal negotiations between the UK and the EU which begin early next year.

Sir Keir and European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen have agreed to hold regular summits between EU and UK leaders, with the first due to take place in early 2025.

It comes just days after the UK agreed a fisheries deal with the EU, which the government estimates is worth €360 million and which it says underlines the continued commitment of all parties to managing the fishing sustainably.

Following negotiations with the EU on fishing quotas for 2025, the UK has secured 150,000 tonnes of fishing opportunities, 15,000 tonnes more than in 2024, ministers announced on Wednesday.

Another key aspect of the EU's approach to negotiations with the UK is a youth mobility scheme, a proposal that Downing Street has so far rejected.

The deal, which has become a major sticking point between the UK and EU, would likely mirror similar deals Britain has already made with countries including Australia and Japan and would allow young people to 18 to 35 years old to move and work freely between countries for a period of up to 10 years. at two years old.

Despite objections from Downing Street, the issue is also expected to be on the EU agenda at the first summit in 2025.

Mike Galsworthy, chairman of pro-EU campaign group the European Movement, said progress with the EU may require quid pro quo.

The UK government would never get anything for free if it wanted the EU to spend time and resources on trade measures to boost the UK economy and get it out of the Brexit quagmire, he said .

Certain demands, such as the mobility of young people, constitute an obvious boon at all levels. Others will trade horses in return. But all this will open the way to opportunities to build greater economic prosperity.

In fishing, this would likely reopen the EU market to UK fishermen, which would be a boost given the damage Brexit has done to our fishing industry.

A government spokesperson said: This government is resetting its relationship with the EU and wants to strengthen cooperation, make citizens safer and remove barriers to trade, to help boost economic growth.

We have made it clear that there will be no return to the customs union, the single market or freedom of movement. The UK Government will always strive to protect the interests of our fishermen.




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