PM Modi: Congress changed Constitution 75 times, cannot erase trace of Emergency | Best Quotes
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi: “A Congress family crushed the Constitution…a single family ruled for 55 years. The biggest jumla was “garibi hatao” run by four generations of a family…Jinko koi nahi poochhta, unko Modi pujta hai.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday delivered a detailed speech in the Lok Sabha, listing the steps taken by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to uphold the values of the Constitution and step-by-step examples of how the Congress did it wrong. hurt over the years.
A Congress family crushed the Constitution. I'm talking about a family because out of 75 years, only one family ruled for 55 years. The family’s evil thoughts and politics were continued,” Modi said.
Changing the Constitution has become their habit. Congress has had a taste of hunting and has done so repeatedly. They have attacked the Constitution time and time again. It has been amended 75 times,” the Prime Minister said.
As the country completed its 50 years of Constitution, a state of emergency was imposed, dissolving the constitutional provisions. Citizens' rights have been violated. Congress will never be able to wipe this stain from its face. This had strangled democracy. It was a dark chapter in the nation's history. People will never forgive them,” he said.
The Lok Sabha on Friday kicked off a two-day debate on the glorious 75-year journey of the Indian Constitution to commemorate the commencement of the 75th anniversary of its adoption.
An overview of the main quotes from the speech:
- The Indian Constitution has taken us this far, negating all the negative possibilities discussed at the time of independence. Citizens deserve congratulations for passing the test. India is now known as the mother of democracy. We gave birth to democracy. India is the mother of democracy in the world.
- The number of women in parliament and in the Council of Ministers is increasing. In sport, education in all areas, the representation of women has been exemplary. Every Indian has recognized the role of women in space technology. Women are at the center of development. The Constitution is the basis.
- After independence, due to selfish interests, the cruelest attack was on the unity of the country. Instead of celebrating diversity, people who were raised in a slave mentality looked for differences in our diversity. They sowed hatred to harm the unity of the country. We must celebrate diversity.
- As the country completed its 50 years of Constitution, a state of emergency was imposed, dissolving the constitutional provisions. Citizens' rights have been violated. Congress will never be able to wipe this stain from its face. This had strangled democracy. It was a dark chapter in the nation's history. People will never forgive them.
- After 50 years of existence, the Vajpayee government celebrated 50 years of the Constitution. During my tenure as CM, we had taken out a Gaurav Rath Yatra from the Constitution on an elephant, while the CM walked. When we decided to celebrate November 26 as Constitution Day, an opposition MP asked why it was necessary to set a new date when it is January 26.
- There was a Congress president who came from a backward community, Sitaram Kesari ji. They locked him in the toilet. He was thrown onto the sidewalk. A family usurped the entire party.
- We ran the government for 13 days in the spirit of the Constitution, Atalji did not choose the policy of adjustment. In 1998, we had an NDA government, but efforts were made to make the government unstable. We could then have bought MPs, but Atalji chose to lose by one vote rather than opt for unconstitutional means. Wads of cash were dropped on parliament, votes were bought, sin was committed.
- We also amended the Constitution, but for the unity of the nation and a better future, so that the OBC commission could be established. A large section of the population could prosper due to poverty, so we amended the Constitution and implemented 10% reservation for the general category. We did it for the women's reservation bill, for their empowerment. One MP who tore up the women's reservation bill in the past is now the opposition's Margdarshak. We repealed Article 370 on danke ki chot, the SC retained it. We brought CAA.
- We amended the Constitution to correct old errors and time will tell whether we did it well or not.
- The largest jumla of four generations of a family was garibi hatao. We gave people toilets, bank accounts, loans, DBT. Don't make fun of the free rationing system, it's to prevent them from becoming poor again. Jinko koi nahi poochhta, unko Modi pujta haiWe got a common sign language for people with disabilitiesWe came up with programs for Vishwakarma and transgenders. The Ujjwala program gave women a respite from smoke. We have worked for small farmers, cooperatives, fishermen and advisors. True secularism lies in the saturation of government programs for everyone.
- This country should have competent leaders. Dynastic politics has done great harm to this nation. In dynastic politics, their family is always their main priority. Every party should encourage new blood into politics.
- I give the nation 11 sankalps. Do your duty; sabka saath sabka vikas; zero tolerance for corruption; feeling of pride in respecting the rules and the law; free ourselves from the colonial mentality; the absence of dynastic politics; respect the Constitution, do not use it for political purposes; do not remove reservations and end reservations based on religion; make India an example of women-led development; the state to the vikas of the country; and Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.
Sources 2/ https://www.news18.com/politics/one-congress-family-ruled-for-55-years-changed-constitution-75-times-cant-wash-off-taint-of-emergency-pm-modi-in-lok-sabha-top-quotes-9156137.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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