Donald Trump trolls Gov. Chris Christie with 'Drone Happy Meal' meme amid mysterious sightings in New Jersey
President-elect Donald Trump took a dig at former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie with an AI-generated image of Christie eating a McDonald's Happy Meal delivered by drones. This time, Donald Trump has found a new way to target an old rival, thanks to drones and an AI-generated meme. Amid continued reports of mysterious drone sightings in New Jersey, the president-elect took the opportunity to mock former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie by sharing an image of Christie to enjoy a McDonald's Happy Meal delivered by drones. The meme, posted on the Trumps Truth social platform. and Twitter, was a thinly veiled attack on Christie, who had sharply criticized Trump during the 2024 Republican primary. The former president captioned the post with his thoughts on the current drone mystery: Sightings of mysterious drones in the whole country. Can this really happen without our government knowing? I don't think so. Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them!!! DJT. While Trump's fiery rhetoric about shooting down drones garnered attention, it was the AI-generated image that stole the show, reigniting tensions with Christie, who remained silent on both drones and Trump's taunts. feud The move against Christie is part of a long history of animosity between the two Republicans. Christie, who withdrew from the 2024 presidential race earlier this month, has focused his campaign on criticizing Trump's leadership and his legal troubles, calling him a failed leader and accusing him of prioritizing personal interests rather than the nation. Trump's latest meme appears to be a victory lap. about the failure of Christie's campaign. The choice of a Happy Meala from McDonald's, a frequent butt of jokes about Christie's weight, adds a layer of biting humor to the dig. Christie's silence amid the drone mystery. Interestingly, Christie did not comment on the wave of unexplained drone sightings across New Jersey and New York, leaving the public wondering whether the Trump meme was a light-hearted criticism or a deeper jab at Christie's absence from the conversation. Trump's meme tactic This isn't the first time Trump has used memes and humor to rally his base. By mixing politics and entertainment, Trump keeps the focus on himself while undermining his rivals. Christie's meme, complete with drones and fast food, showcases Trump's talent for turning even mysterious aerial phenomena into viral moments.
Sources 2/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/donald-trump-trolls-governor-chris-christie-with-drone-happy-meal-meme-amid-mystery-sightings-in-new-jersey/articleshow/116329244.cms The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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