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Don't forget the inseparable neighbors

Don't forget the inseparable neighbors


Published: December 15, 2024, 7:51 p.m.

The author is a correspondent for JTBC in Beijing.

I thought it would be better next year.

A Korean who has run a business in China for more than 10 years sighed while watching the public statement made by President Yoon Suk Yeol on December 12. As Korea-China relations showed signs of improvement, I and several other Korean residents are drawing plans such as business expansion, but the future is bleak, he said .

China included Korea as a visa-free country without notice on November 1 for the first time since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1992. It was a sudden move that even the Korean embassy in China did not was not aware in advance. This decision was interpreted as the first expression of China's desire to improve bilateral relations, which have been strained for a long time. Some felt that China could offer an extra gift package. There is a good chance that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Korea for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit to be held in Gyeongju next year.

The warm breeze in bilateral relations has turned into a cold winter wind since the declaration of emergency martial law on December 3. There are fears of a diplomatic vacuum with China. The Korean ambassador to China was to be replaced and Ambassador Jeong Jae-ho was expected to return to Korea this month. Reflecting on his tenure, Jeong said, “I have no special thoughts and he must spend his final days waiting for a presidential order to return home.” Former presidential chief of staff Kim Dae-ki has been named Jeong's successor, but there is no guarantee he will be able to travel to Beijing.

At the same time, President Yoon specifically called China a threat to Korea's security and economy in his December 12 statement. He did not use any diplomatic rhetoric. After emphasizing the Korea-US alliance and Korea-US-Japan cooperation since his inauguration, Yoon once again reminded everyone of his stance on China, even after Donald's victory Trump in the US presidential election and the impeachment process triggered by his declaration of martial emergency. law.

As China says, Korea and China are inseparable neighbors. Like it or not, Korea and China are historically linked, and Korea should pursue genuine diplomatic and economic interests with China. Even US President-elect Donald Trump, who openly said he would impose 60% tariffs on Chinese imports, called President Xi a good friend. CBS reported that right after the election victory, Trump invited Xi to his inauguration ceremony.

Korean President Yoon and Chinese President Xi held a summit in Peru last month for the first time in two years. Leaders of the two countries held hands and formed consensus on improving exchanges and cooperation while discussing for 29 minutes. Less than a month has passed and all the promises are about to go up in smoke. When can Korean businesses and residents in China stop sighing?




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