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New Syrian leader Julani marks new wave of leadership in the Middle East

New Syrian leader Julani marks new wave of leadership in the Middle East


Ahmed al-Sharaa, Syria's new leader who also goes by the name Abu Mohammad al-Julani, represents a possible new era of leadership in the region. He was born in 1982, making him one of the youngest leaders in the world. There are other young leaders in the region, such as Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, born in 1985. Sheikh Tamim Ibn Hamad al-Thani of Qatar was also born in 1980. This means that a new generation emerging in the region. . This generation contrasts with some leaders in the region, who are not only aging but also representing eras that reflect the Cold War context more than the modern era.

The new Syrian leader could remain in power for many years to come. It is also possible that he will not remain in power. However, if it does, it could play a transformative role. Indeed, he is not only young, but he represents the victory of a political Islam which seemed to disappear from the region. This means that while many countries have turned against groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, which were more popular in the 1980s and 1990s, others have seen religious groups hold power for too long and become ossified. For example, the Turkish government has been led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan for two decades. Its Muslim Brotherhood-style policy is not new, but old.

The new Syrian leaders already seem to worry the Jordanians. The king of Jordan knows that he could also face a popular uprising. During the Arab Spring, many of the countries that saw their regimes fall were Arab nationalist regimes, while the region's monarchies weathered the tide. This means that Gaddafi in Libya was overthrown, as was Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Other Arab nationalist regimes suffered a similar fate. Saddam Hussein was toppled by the US invasion in 2003. Ali Saleh in Yemen was finally killed in 2017. When the Arab Spring threatened to overthrow Bahrain's monarchy, the Saudis intervened. They stemmed the tide.

A lot has changed since then. Qatar and Turkey tend to support Islamic-leaning governments and groups such as Hamas. Meanwhile, the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates have hit back at the Islamists. There are other factors in the region. The weakening of Sunni Arab states and Arab nationalism has allowed Iran to play an important role in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. He also used this influence to galvanize Hamas for war against Israel. Today, many believe that the Iranian “axis” is in decline. It lost Syria, a key partner. What does it mean to enter the void? Ankara and Qatar are rushing to reopen their embassies in Damascus to recover part of the price. Turkey says it could help train forces for the new government. Jordan is worried.

Syria's new leader will have to contend with competing groups seeking influence in Damascus. For now, it does not seem interested in interfering in neighboring countries. The overthrow of Assad did not give rise to demonstrations in Amman, Baghdad or Ramallah. However, it is clear that many of the region's leaders are aging and represent an older era.

Rebel commander Abu Mohammed al-Julani speaks to a crowd at the Ummayad mosque in Damascus, after Syrian rebels announced they had ousted President Bashar al-Assad, Syria, December 8, 2024. (credit : REUTERS/MAHMOUD HASSANO)

Mahmoud Abbas was born in the 1930s. For him, smartphones were a new invention. He was already a middle-aged man at the height of the Cold War. Nabih Berri, the Shiite leader in Lebanon, is also a product of the 1930s. Walid Jumblatt, Lebanon's Druze leader, and Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu are both in their seventies. Their formative experiences date back to the 1980s. Egyptian leader Abdel Fatah al-Sisi was born in 1954. His military experience also dates back to the 1970s and 1980s. They are products of the Cold War era.

A new generation of leaders missing?

That doesn't mean they can't be good leaders, but it inevitably means they aren't filled with the youth of a new generation. Hamas members who plunged the region into war on October 7 destroyed the opportunities of a generation of young people. They did it for themselves so that Khaled Meshaal, Ismail Haniyeh and Yahya Sinwar could feel good about themselves before they died, so that they could see another pile of bodies before they left this vale of tears. That's what they did. They destroyed Gaza for their own benefit.

Syria's new leader may have a different view of the region than those who thrived on war and destruction. He certainly knows war, having lived through it over the past two decades. Perhaps it will not boast about it like Hamas and the Turkish leaders did, or fan the flames like Doha and Iran did? This remains to be seen as it is possible that he will seek out new adventurous causes as young people tend to do. He now has a choice, just like MBS and others. They could form a new regional leadership. The new leaders in Damascus could say goodbye to wars waged by Iran, Russia, Turkey, Hamas, Doha and other countries. They could embrace peace, unlike Ismail Haniyeh and Hassan Nasrallah. It's the choice.




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