“Stupid liberalism” | Trump is a protectionist and Xi Jinping is an opener
President Javier Milei believes world tables of libertarian thought. He proclaims in various local and international forums the benefits of the free market, emphasizing that the State must not intervene in the economy. The application of this recipe in our country, which involved a contraction of spending and public works accompanied by an opening to imports with an appreciation of the exchange ratehas already cost 100,000 jobs in construction and industry, which have not been offset by the expansion of the mining, agricultural and hydrocarbon sectors, whose boom has only resulted in the creation of 10,000 jobs , according to SIPA data for the period November 2023 – August 2024. A ratio of 10 to 1 which reflects the job destruction which implies letting our productive matrix be organized by the free market.
While the president feels like an international leader, excited because he is being congratulated by a series of millillonarios Americans who lead him through different circles of the Western extreme right, his sponsors take the opposite path in terms of economic policy decisions.
Trump Trumpets do in the United States threatening China and other competitors with sharp increases in customs duties, thus imposing itself in the M.S. anti-liberal currents of economic thought: school American by Alexander Hamilton (first Secretary of the Treasury under George Washington). In this regard, the history of the United States shows that this country built its development with two weapons of economic policy which continue to be its pillars today: trade protectionism and printing of banknotes to finance a state with a heavy deficit.
Paradoxes of history, Those who are committed to commercial liberalism are the Chinese communists. Its strong productive development with global production scales and labor costs much lower than those of the West guarantees competitive superiority over traditional capitalist powers. Unlike Trump, President Xi Jinping has promised zero tariffs for all less developed countries with which he maintains diplomatic relations.
The fact that capitalist power promotes protectionism, while communist power promotes liberalismclearly demonstrates that the economic doctrines exported by the Centers are ideological facades of their economic interests.
But the president doesn't see her and seems ready to sacrifice entire sections of the productive fabric on the altar of his libertarian religious faith. An economic doctrine that they try to present as new, even though it is a recycling of idiotic liberalism which has historically applied the elites of peripheral countries.
A policy whose level of damage will depend on the duration of the speculative party of the cheap dollar with which they are used to anesthetizing, momentarily, the social and economic pain of the world. productive mutilation this provokes the liberal agenda.
Sources 2/ https://www.pagina12.com.ar/789572-liberalismo-bobo The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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