Turkish President Erdogan to visit Ethiopia and Somalia in January-February 2025
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech broadcast on Sunday that he would visit Ethiopia and Somalia in the first two months of next year.
In the wake of a historic agreement, negotiated by Turkey, which ended nearly a year of tensions between the two African countries over maritime access to the Red Sea, Erdogan declared on Saturday that this progress had come after “a meeting which lasted seven hours”.
“Thanks to their cooperation, we signed (the agreement) and we finished the work,” Erdogan said at an event with young people in the eastern province of Erzurum.
“We went into our press conference room and announced it to the world. I told them, 'God willing, I will travel to Ethiopia and Somalia in the first two months of next year and we will announce to the world this measure that we have taken,” added the Turkish president.
After meeting Erdogan on Wednesday in the Turkish capital Ankara, the leaders of Somalia and Ethiopia, in a joint statement titled the Ankara Declaration, “reaffirmed their mutual respect and commitment to sovereignty, unity, the independence and territorial integrity of each person.
Asked about Turkey's role in signing the declaration, Erdogan explained that Ankara's close relations with both sides had allowed it to make progress in mediation efforts where others had not been able to do so. .
“This problem between Somalia and Ethiopia has been going on for many years. Ethiopia is a huge country, twice the size of Somalia, but it is landlocked,” he said.
“The fact that a place with such a vast and gigantic territory is landlocked seriously bothers them. Many countries have been involved in this problem until today, but they have not been able to solve this problem” , he added.
Referring to his “special rapport” with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Erdogan said it allowed them to discuss the dispute, which intensified in January, when Ethiopia signed a deal with the Somali breakaway region. of Somaliland to use the port of Berbera on the Red Sea.
Turkey is also a country that “embraced Somalia in its most critical period,” supporting the country in the face of attacks by terrorist organizations. “We have invested there. Along with these investments, we have also taken measures against terrorist organizations in Somalia.”
Erdogan said Ankara had also provided Ethiopia with “all possible economic and defense support.”
Expressing his pride in the Ankara Declaration, Erdogan said: “This is how we announced a bright future for Africa, we announced it to the whole world.”
“When we are sincere, when our intentions are good, anything can happen,” he added.
*Written by Efe Ozkan
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