The justice system should listen to women, not harass them
TVery often, when the term witch trials are brought up, it is by a rich and powerful man who has been denounced for his bad behavior: Boris Johnson when he was investigated for throwing parties during confinement; Donald Trump when he interfered in the 2020 election.
But the prosecution or, more accurately, persecution of lawyer Charlotte Proudman by her regulator, the Bar Standards Board (BSB), is a modern-day witch trial: established power seeking to silence and suppress ending the career of a less powerful woman because she challenged his authority.
I've argued in Parliament at the High Court about forcing MPs to account for their expenses, so I know something about taking institutional power, and that's exactly what Proudman did. She has, throughout his career, loudly denounced institutional misogyny and sexism in the family courts and in the legal profession. Instead of investigating these serious failings, too many legal professionals have targeted her.
Dr Charlotte Proudman: Bar watchdog used sexist bullying as a weapon
I understand. It is always easier to attack the person who raises a problem than to solve the problem itself, especially if the problem is systemic. So, Proudman spent the last two and a half years under investigation by the BSB for a series of tweets she posted in 2022 criticizing a male judge for what she believed to be his violence-reducing boys' club attitude domestic. At this time the judge was a member of the Garrick Club, which refused to admit women.
The BSB claimed that Proudman's tweets contained highly offensive and derogatory language that could diminish trust in lawyers and the judiciary. During this time, highly offensive and derogatory language was used by male lawyers directly at Proudman on social media. Some tweeted that she was an a**hole, a bitch and a crazy person, among other things.
Lady Chief Justice on Banishing One's Inner Demons
This activity was not investigated or pursued by the BSB, which excused the men's hate speech as being protected by Article 10 of the right to freedom of expression. No such provision of Article 10 was granted to Proudman for his criticism of a male judge. They don't understand gender, they don't understand diversity, I don't think they've ever heard of the concept of misogyny and certainly not institutional misogyny, Proudman said. Until they acknowledge the deep-rooted problem of bullying, harassment and sexism at the Bar and acknowledge it, I don't think there will be any change and I don't I have no confidence in them.
Now that all charges against her have been dropped, we hope that the BSB, the legal profession and the judiciary will stop preying on women to burn them, and instead listen to them.
Heather Brooke is an author and journalist
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