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PPI boss The political value of money will not disappear if the regional head is elected by the DPRD

PPI boss The political value of money will not disappear if the regional head is elected by the DPRD



Director of Indonesian Political Parameters (PPI) Adi Prayitno disagrees with candidate's proposal The regional head is elected by the DPRD. Adi believes that this speech amounts to emasculating the right of citizens to participate in politics.

Adi then spoke about the period when the rules for direct regional elections were changed to be chosen by the DPRD in 2014. Even though the discourse was taken up by the political elite under the government of 7th President Joko Widodo, the attitude of 'Adi remained firmly in denial.

“Obviously I refuse. Because this castrates the political rights of the people. At the end of the SBY era, there were regional election regulations chosen by the DPRD, which I also rejected. When a number of “The elites of the Jokowi era were talking about regional elections by the DPRD, I firmly refused,” Adi told reporters, Sunday (15/12/2024).



With this system, Adi believes that regional leaders are elected not according to the tastes of the people, but according to the tastes of the elite. Apart from this, Adi believes that monetary policy will not disappear just because the regional head is elected by the DPRD.

“Even if regional leaders are elected by the DPRD, this does not mean that money politics has disappeared. Money politics will continue to exist but will shift to a number of key elites,” a- he explained.

“First of all, go to the party elite. To run, you absolutely have to spend capital to get it. rec party. “Second, to be selected by the DPRD, the candidate must prepare fantastic logistics,” he continued.

Adi believes that if regional elections are considered expensive, the costs should be reduced through regulations developed by the House of Representatives and the government. Another option proposed by Adi is to hold ad hoc elections.

“If the costs of holding regional elections are high, all that remains is for the House of Representatives and the government to pass regulations to keep the costs of regional elections low. They have the power. If it is necessary to organize one-off elections, the organizers only work once every 5 years, which is expensive, this kind of organizational device, even if the work lasts 5 years once. , he explained.

Adi believes that this speech will only benefit the political party that wins the presidential election. He also believes that this speech could give rise to many puppet candidates in the next regional elections.

“The DPRD's vote will certainly only benefit the party that wins the presidential election, regardless of who wins the presidential election. For the sake of the strength of the national coalition, the coalition parties can be conditioned not to not present candidates,” he said.

“It gives the impression that there is a competition but the winner has been conditioned. It has been regulated who should be the potential winner and who should be the puppet candidate. The elite are no longer afraid of the people because to become regional head, one must “It is not necessary to address the people directly. It is enough to convince a handful of party elites who have the power to regulate DPRD votes,” he added.

President Prabowo Subianto has previously spoken about improving the regional electoral system. Prabowo gave examples from Malaysia to India electing governors through the DPRD.

This was revealed by Prabowo in his speech at the 60th anniversary of Golkar held at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC) Sentul, Bogor, Thursday (12/12). Prabowo admitted that he was interested in the thoughts of Golkar General Chairman Bahlil Lahadalia, who said that it was necessary to improve the democratic system.





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