What the newspapers are saying: Sunday headlines
Sunday's front pages focus on a range of stories from the government seeking to buy the Citywest Hotel to help accommodate asylum seekers, to Fianna Fáil divided over key government roles.
THE Business position report that the government wants to buy the Citywest Hotel to help tackle the current asylum accommodation crisis.
Our first page today. Pick up a copy in store or subscribe to https://t.co/LyVcHklEWC for these stories more:
🗞️ The State will buy the Citywest Hotel to tackle the migrant crisis
🗞️ Murphy's takes on Guinness in the UK
🗞️ Simon Harris considering move to Foreign Affairs job pic.twitter.com/IoZtiEVEGD
– Business Post (@businessposthq) December 15, 2024
THE Independent Sunday leading the way, with Tánaiste Micheál Martin under pressure to convince his parliamentary party to support independent TD Verona Murphy's bid for the prestigious new Dáil board position.
The Irish Sunday Mail report a The coalition between Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and regional independents is all but done – and will be sealed with a seat at the Cabinet table for an independent.
Hello, readers. Here's a look at the front page of today's Sunday Life.https://t.co/xu3HhdtoaD pic.twitter.com/LomHOjw23x
– The Sunday Life (@TheSundayLife) December 15, 2024
In the UK, secret agent scandals, Britain's building crisis and the truth about some of the UK's most haunted houses are just some of the headlines hitting the newsstands this Sunday.
THE Sunday Express draws on a quote from Boris Johnson, who says Keir Starmer poses a serious threat to Brexit and “must be stopped” from “reshuffling” Britain in Brussels.
Sunday Express: Boris warns of Keir's Brexit threat #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/wvjZmoS5BV
– George Mann (@sgfmann) December 14, 2024
THE Sun Sunday shares some good news from TV presenter Eamonn Holmes, who appears to be preparing to propose to his girlfriend Katie Alexander.
The Sun Sunday: Eamonn – I will marry Kate #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/9dDaesgo5V
– George Mann (@sgfmann) December 14, 2024
People reports that the woman who murdered 10-year-old Sara Sharif in 2023 has made a new friend behind bars in Belmarsh: fellow child killer Lucy Letby.
Sunday People: Sara's killer is friends with Letby #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/yIoadee6ef
– George Mann (@sgfmann) December 14, 2024
The observerThe newspaper's headline reports accusations against the Labor Party, accusing the British government of ushering in a new era of slums by turning offices into apartments, without any planning permission.
The Observer: PM condemned for allowing 'new wave of slums' #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/uMM1PSSR9q
– George Mann (@sgfmann) December 14, 2024
Sunday time begins with an article about the Duke of York's alleged links to a suspected Chinese spy for the third day in a row.
The Sunday Times: Andrew's confidant, the Chinese 'spy'
met two former prime ministers #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/yEaCOphySf– George Mann (@sgfmann) December 14, 2024
THE Sunday Telegraph begins with an article about a longtime Foreign Ministry employee accused of having ties to a global propaganda network that boosts Chinese Communist Party ideologies.
The Sunday Telegraph: the Chinese influencer at the heart of
White Room #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/4G9MvDhEpq– George Mann (@sgfmann) December 14, 2024
THE Sunday mirror According to reports, more than 1,000 women have been declared homeless by charities, almost double the figure reported by the government. The newspaper called the discrepancy a “hidden scandal” in Britain.
Sunday Mirror: Homeless woman's hidden scandal #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/35QONgjzNS
– George Mann (@sgfmann) December 14, 2024
Finally, the Daily Star Sunday makes splashes on Homes Under The Hammer host Martin Roberts and his visits to 'haunted' houses for TV's pleasure, with one house bulldozed by new owner following spooky incident .
Daily Star Sunday: A room with a wooooo @TVMartinRoberts #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/daPzWT99p1
– George Mann (@sgfmann) December 14, 2024
Sources 2/ https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/what-the-papers-say-december-15-4-1708120.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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