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Reform set to use rarely used House of Commons rule to expose Chinese spying | Politics | News

Reform set to use rarely used House of Commons rule to expose Chinese spying | Politics | News


Reform UK said it would name the alleged Chinese spy who had close business ties with Prince Andrew if a legal order to conceal his identity was not lifted this week.

Boston and Skegness MP Richard Tice said he would seek to use parliamentary privilege to name the person who was banned from entering the UK by former Home Secretary Suella Braverman for national security reasons.

Known only as H6 due to an anonymity order, the individual is believed to have been a close confidant of Prince Andrew and was linked to the Chinese arm of the Dukes Pitch@Palace company.

Despite the anonymity order, an individual's name was widely shared on social media as well as by a U.S. news organization that publishes English-language coverage of Asia.

But appointing the person to Parliament would allow their identity to be reported by the British media and allow the person doing so to avoid any legal repercussions through parliamentary privilege.

Richard Tice, the deputy leader of the Reform Party, told the Telegraph: If he is not named in advance, we will seek to use parliamentary privilege later this week.

The media should ask themselves: why is this name protected and concealed? What is the British establishment afraid of and trying to hide it?

Let's be honest with all of us, otherwise this looks like a simple cover-up.

Parliamentary privilege provides MPs and their peers with legal protection for comments made in the House, meaning they cannot be sued or prosecuted for statements they make.

This right to free speech was used in 2011 when Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming named footballer Ryan Giggs as the anonymous celebrity who had stopped the media from reporting details of an alleged affair with a restraining order.

More recently, this privilege was used after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, when Bob Seely, who was then a Conservative MP, used parliamentary privilege to name and shame amoral British lawyers who, he claimed, allowed Vladimir Putin's henchmen to silence a free press.

The scandal comes just weeks after Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer met Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit.

Proceedings in the House of Commons begin today at 2.30pm with questions on work and pensions, but it is possible that an urgent question will be tabled.

If Sir Lindsay Hoyle's speech was accepted, a government minister would be obliged to respond to it, giving a backbencher the opportunity to name the person involved.




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