Sheikh Rashid says govt-PTI negotiations futile
Awami Muslim League leader and former federal minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has downplayed the potential outcome of negotiations between the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the government, terming the talks “futile”.
Addressing the media outside an anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi, Rashid said, “It is a good step that the PTI has formed a negotiating committee with the government, but these talks will lead to nothing,” Express News reported .
“It’s like a tomb and two people: only one will enter.”
Stressing the importance of dialogue, he added: “Negotiations are essential. Even after wars, the world turns to talks. But if these negotiations fail, we will see judo-karate and Bangkok-style flames.”
Rashid described November 26 as “a horrible and oppressive day,” saying it deserved widespread condemnation.
He called for efforts to improve the political climate, saying: “Political conditions are unstable. I predicted this instability until December 30. A bloody November 26 has already passed.”
The former minister shared details of his recent meeting with PTI founder Imran Khan, saying, “We had a long discussion and he said, 'You and I are one.' Our one and one do not make two; That makes eleven. Eleven is the improvement number.
He emphasized his loyalty to Khan, noting: “I support the negotiations and always will. But my allegiance is to one person: the founder of the PTI. I don't know anyone else.
Commenting on his recent visit to Saudi Arabia, Rashid said: “Every person I met prayed for Pakistan's security. The feeling was clear: Pakistan must remain secure.
The AML leader warned of dire consequences if political instability persists. “The situation demands improvement, otherwise we will face more unrest,” he concluded.
Last month, Sheikh Rashid expressed his support for Imran Khan, stating that although he had a personal friendship with Imran Khan, he would not be involved in the PTI protests planned for November 24. no evidence against him.
“I have no connection with the PTI's call for the November 24 protest. I was not even there and there is no evidence against me,” Rashid said.
Rashid then spoke about the difficulties faced by the public due to inflation.
“The nation is trapped in inflation and the government is more focused on foreign visits than on these pressing issues. Even if someone invites him to a small ceremony, the prime minister is ready to go,” he said, criticizing the leaders’ priorities.
He concluded by calling for a general amnesty for the innocent and stressed his desire for political stability in the country. “If I am guilty, let me be punished. But I seek stability in the country and better relations with the army,” Sheikh Rashid said, adding that he had never spoken out against the army in the pass.
Sources 2/ https://tribune.com.pk/story/2516306/talks-between-govt-and-pti-futile-sheikh-rashid The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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