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PM Modi, Sri Lankan President discuss livelihood issues of fishermen

PM Modi, Sri Lankan President discuss livelihood issues of fishermen


New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said issues related to the livelihood of fishermen were discussed during his meeting with Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, and both sides agreed on the need for a humanitarian approach to solve this problem.

In a joint statement at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on Monday, Prime Minister Modi expressed hope that the Sri Lankan government would fulfill the aspirations of the Tamil community. He stressed the importance of fully implementing the Sri Lankan constitution and holding provincial council elections as scheduled.

“We also discussed issues related to fishermen’s livelihoods and agreed that we need to take a humanitarian approach in this area. Regarding reconstruction and reconciliation in Sri Lanka, President Dissanayake spoke to me about his inclusive approach. We hope that the Sri Lankan government will respond to the aspirations of the Tamils ​​and fulfill its commitment to fully implement the Constitution of Sri Lanka and hold provincial council elections. I assured President Dissanayake that India would continue to be a reliable and reliable partner in his efforts to develop Sri Lanka. , “Prime Minister” Modi said.

Both leaders also announced plans to improve connectivity. Prime Minister Modi said he and Anura Kumara Dissanayake had decided to start a ferry service between Rameswaram and Talaimannar. “The Chennai-Jaffna ferry service and air connectivity has boosted tourism and strengthened our cultural ties. We have decided that after the successful launch of ferry services from Nagapattinam and Kankesanthurai, a ferry service would now be launched between Rameswaram and Talaimannar. Work will also be carried out to realize the immense potential of tourism through the Sri Lanka Buddhist Circuit and Ramayana Trail,” he said.

Highlighting security and defense cooperation, Prime Minister Modi said they have decided to enter into a defense cooperation agreement and cooperate on hydrography soon.

“Our security interests are intertwined. We have decided to conclude a defense cooperation agreement in the near future. Cooperation in the field of hydrography has also been agreed. We believe that the Colombo Security Conclave is a important platform for regional peace, security and development. In this framework, cooperation will be strengthened on subjects such as maritime security, the fight against terrorism, cybersecurity, the fight against smuggling and organized crime. , humanitarian aid and relief in case of disaster,” he added.

Welcoming President Dissanayake to India, Prime Minister Modi said he was happy that New Delhi was his first foreign visit after assuming office. “I welcome President Dissanayake to India. We are happy that you (Anura Kumara Dissanayake) have chosen India as your first foreign visit. This visit will bring new speed and energy to the ties. For our partnership , we took a futuristic view,” he says.

The Sri Lankan President is on a three-day state visit to India from December 15 to 17. This is Dissanayake's first bilateral visit to India since he assumed office in September.

Speaking on India-Sri Lanka economic cooperation, Prime Minister Modi said, “In our economic cooperation, we have focused on investment-led growth and connectivity. We decided that physical, digital and energy connectivity would be important pillars of our partnership. Work will be carried out to establish connectivity to the power grid and a multi-oil pipeline will be given to the Sampur solar power plant. The LNG will be supplied to Sri Lankan power plants. In order to boost bilateral trade, both sides will attempt to conclude Ekta soon. “.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India has so far provided $5 billion in lines of credit and grants to Sri Lanka and added that the cooperation has reached all 25 districts of Sri Lanka.

“India has so far provided $5 billion in line of credit and grants to Sri Lanka. We cooperate in all 25 districts of Sri Lanka and the selection of our projects is always based on the countries' development priorities development cooperation partners, we have decided that financial assistance will be provided for the rehabilitation of the signaling system of the Maho-Anuradhapura railway section and the Kankesanthurai port,” he said.

Announcing monthly scholarships for 200 students from universities in Jaffna and Eastern Province from next year, Prime Minister Modi said, “As part of education cooperation, from the year Next month, monthly scholarships will be provided to 200 students from universities in Jaffna and the Eastern Province. Over the next five years, 1,500 civil servants from Sri Lanka will be trained in India. Apart from housing, renewable energy and infrastructure, India will also cooperate in the development of agriculture, dairy and fisheries in Sri Lanka. participate in the unique digital identity project in Sri Lanka.

Highlighting the people-to-people ties between India and Sri Lanka, he said, “People-to-people relations between India and Sri Lanka are linked to our civilizations. When the Pali language achieved classical language status in India, it was also celebrated in Sri Lanka.

Earlier in the day, Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake paid homage to Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat. Union Minister of State in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting L Murugan was also present alongside him.

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(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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