Magnum obliges in the Sweet Girl Plate
Trainer A. Imran Khans Magnum, ridden by Akshay Kumar, won the Sweet Girl Plate, the main event of racing on Monday (December 16). The winner belongs to Mr. Syed Mohiuddin Mufeed. Trainers L. D Silva and D. Netto scored a hat-trick each while jockey Vivek G rode three winners on the day.
1. SIDE PLATE (Div. I)(1,100 m): GACHCHHATU (P. Sai Kumar) 1, Pacific Heights (Vivek G) 2, Arizona Sun (Akshay K) 3 and TimelessElegance (Md. Ismail) 4. 2 – 1/2, 7 and 4-1/4. 1m, 5.83s. 93 (w), 17, 10 and 13 (p). SHP: 33, THP: 47, SHW: 23 and 14, FP; 311, Q: 109, Tanala: 1043. Favorites: Pacific Heights. Owners: Mr. Vara Prasad Reddy, Mr. N. Shyam Sunder and Mr. DNKempegowda. Coach: N. Rawal.
2. HUSSAIN SAGAR CUP (Div. II)(1,400 m): EMPERORS CHARM (A. Prakash) 1, Quality Warrior (Afroz K) 2, Black Dust (P. Sai K) 3 and London Bell (RS Jodha) 4 . Not running: Caraxes. 2-3/4, 2-1/4 and Cou.1m, 26.08s. 40 (w), 10, 16 and 11 (p). SHP: 34, THP: 131, SHW: 19 and 19, FP: 169, Q: 156, Tanala: 396. Favorites: Black Dust. Owners: Mr. Ashok Kumar Gupta and Mr. Rafaat Hussain. Coach: RH Sequeira.
3. STEP BY THE PLATE (Div. II)(1,100 m): BEVERLEY (Vivek G) 1, Dubai Touch (RS Bhati) 2, Mystical Dawn (Ashad Asbar) 3 and Turiya (Abhay Singh) 4. Neck , 1 and Neck. 1m, 6.18s. 76 (w), 11, 20 and 17 (p). SHP: 79, THP: 44, SHW: 70, FP: 1034, Q: 336, Tanala: 3293. Favorites: Cypress. Owners: Mr. Vazhaparmbil John Joseph, Mr. Syed Nawaz Hussain, Mr. Bharat Venkat Epur and Mr. Imran Isa Sayyed.Trainer: L. D Silva.
4. NEXT MOVE PLATE (Div. I) (1,100m): NRI DHEERA (KuldeepSingh Sr.) 1, Muaser (P. Ajeeth K) 2, American Flame (HM Akshay) 3 and Inderdhanush (Shivansh) 4. No executed: Starwalt. 1-1/2, 3/4 and 1-1/2.1 m, 5.31 sec. 14 (w), 12, 11 and 11 (p). SHP: 60, THP: 34, SHW: 17 and 86, FP: 89, Q: 82, Tanala: 146. Favorites: NRI Dheera. Owner: Mr. Ravinder Reddy Male. Coach: D. Netto.
5. ZOOM PLATE ZOOM (1,200m): CALISTOGA (Vivek G) 1, Torchbearer (Ashad Asbar) 2, High Heels (Gaurav) 3 and First Class (Mukesh) 4.2-3/4, 2-3 /4 and 2. 1 min, 10:70 a.m. 39 (w), 26, 10 and 15 (p). SHP: 48, THP: 43, SHW: 22 and 13, FP: 101, Q: 76, Tanala: 695. Favorites: Ariette. Owners: Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy, Mr. Bharat Venkat Epur and Mrs. Rajini Meka. Trainer: LD Silva.
6. SWEET GIRL PLATE (2,000m): MAGNUM (Akshay Kumar) 1, Nightmare (BR Kumar) 2, Barbet (Mukesh) 3 and Get Lucky (P. Sai K) 4. 2, 4-1/4 and 2 .2m, 4.67s. 15 (w), 10, 36 and 12 (p).SHP: 99, THP: 27, SHW: 10 and 38, FP: 118, Q: 100, Tanala: 372.Favorites: Magnum.Owner: Mr. Syed Mohiuddin Mufeed.Trainer: A. Imran Khan.
7. HUSSAIN SAGAR CUP (Div. I)(1,400m): FIRST LADY (SantoshRaj NR) 1, Vital Sign (BR Kumar) 2, Sargent (HM Akshay) 3 and Hoping Star (Mohit) 4. 3, 1/2 and 1/2. 1 min, 25.35 sec. 152 (w), 36, 11 and 27 (p). SHP: 43, THP: 52, SHW: 72 and 20, FP: 529, Q: 105, Tanala: 1901. Favorites: Vital sign. Owners: MG Krishnamohan Rao, Mr. Prabhakar ChowdaryTripuraneni and Mrs. T. Rohini. Trainer: D. Netto.
8. WANAPARTHY CUP (1,400m): WINNING ATTITUDE (Vivek G) 1, True Icon (P. Ajeeth K) 2, Park Lane (Md. Ismail) 3 and MissMarvellous (Afroz K) 4. 2-1/2, Head and 1-1/4. 1m, 24.90s.47 (s), 21, 28 and 18 (p). SHP: 74, THP: 64, SHW: 43 and 51, FP: 565, Q: 255, Tanala: 1,570. Favorites: NRI Ultrapower. Owner: Mr. Syed Mohiuddin Mufeed. Coach: L.D Silva.
9. NEXT MOVE PLATE (Div. II) (1100m): NRI SKYPOWER (Santosh Raj NR) 1, Champion Dalis (Kuldeep Sr.) 2, Exhibitor (Nakhat) 3 and Sucker Punch (P. Ajeeth K) 4 .Not run: Cosmico, D Battle and Blue Pantheress. Short head, 10-1/4 and 1-1/4. 1 min, 6.99 sec. 23 (w), 20, 10 and 21 (p).SHP: 19, THP: 32, SHW: 110 and 10, FP: 41, Q: 16, Tanala: 103.Favorites: Dalis Champion.Owner: Mr. Ravinder Reddy Male. Coach: D. Netto.
Jackpot: (i) 70%: 34,517 (2 tkts.) & 30%: 2,465 (12 tkts.); (ii) 70%: 14,668 (17 tkts.) & 30%: 2,226 (48 tkts.).
Mini Jackpot: (i) 1,246 (31 tkts.), (ii) 4,384 (11 tkts.).
Treble: (i) 4,108 (3 tkts.), (ii) 76 (230 tkts.), (iii) 2,024 (11 tkts.).
Published – December 16, 2024 at 7:39 PM IST
Sources 2/ https://www.thehindu.com/sport/races/magnum-obliges-in-the-sweet-girl-plate/article68992477.ece The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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