Full content of Joko Widodo's dismissal letter from PDIP DPP
JakartaThe Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) officially dismissed Joko Widodo alias Jokowi as a party cadre. The dismissal is stated in Decision Letter (SK) Number 1649/KPTS/DPP/XII 2024 which is a direct order from PDIP General Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri.
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Chairman of the PDIP DPP for Honors, Komarudin Watubun announced the dismissal decree. He said his party considers Jokowi to have violated the party's code of ethics and party statutes (AD/ART).
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Content of Joko Widodo's dismissal letter from PDIP DPP:
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Number: 1649 /KPTS/DPP/X11/2024
1 that in order to preserve the honor, authority and image of the Party, each member of the Party, in the exercise of his duties and responsibilities, must be guided by the code of ethics and discipline for members of the Party that was established by the Party.
2. that the Party organization will be truly effective if it contains militant Party cadres who respect the regulations of the Party organization.
3. that every member or cadre of the Party is required to maintain the leadership of the Party's struggle so that it is consistent with the Party's ideology, political attitudes, AD/ART and Party program in order to ensure the achievement of the Party's objectives, functions and duties
4, if Party members or cadres are found to have violated the Party's code of ethics and discipline, then the Party DPP may impose organizational sanctions in the form of expulsion or dismissal from the Party .
5. that the Constitutional Court was established based on Article 24C of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 (1945 Constitution) and was regulated by Law No. 24 of 2003 concerning the Constitutional Court, which was later amended by Law No. 7 of 2020. .
6. that the role of the Constitutional Court in the legal and political system is to ensure that all laws and government policies are consistent with the 1945 Constitution, in order to maintain the supremacy of the constitution in the Indonesian legal order.
7. It's actually your attitude, your actions and your deeds. Joko Widodo, as a PDI Perjuangan cadre designated by the Party as President of the Republic of Indonesia for the terms 2014-2019 and 2019-2024, violated the Party's AD/ART 2019 and the Code of Party ethics and discipline in the open. opposing the decision of the DPP Party regarding the support of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD, supported by the PDI Perjuangan in the general elections. 2024, and supports presidential and vice-presidential candidates of other political parties (Indonesian Advanced Coalition) and abused his power to intervene in the Constitutional Court, which is the beginning of the destruction of the democratic system , the legal system and the moral and ethical system of the country and the life of the State, which constitutes a violation of the ethics and discipline of the Party, classified as a serious violation.
8. That the Party Honor Division recommends to the Party DPP to impose sanctions of expulsion or revocation of Party membership
9. that therefore, the DPP Party considers it necessary to issue a decree regarding the dismissal of Mr. Joko Widodo, a member of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
1. Law No. 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties, as amended by Law No. 2 of 2011 concerning Amendments to Law No. 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties.
2. Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia number M.HH-05.11.02 dated July 1, 2024, regarding the ratification of changes in the structure, composition and personnel of the Central Council leadership of the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party for the 2019-2024 service period which will be extended until 2025
3. PDI Perjuangan Statutes 2019.
4. Statutes of the PDI Perjuangan 2019
5. Decisions of the PDI Perjuangan V Congress 2019
6. Party Regulation Number 07 of 2020, Concerning the Code of Ethics and Discipline for Members of the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party.
7. Excerpt from the recommendation of the Ethics and Discipline Committee of the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party number: 8/KED-PDIP/X/2024, dated October 11, 2024.
8. Recommendations for the PDI Perjuangan V RAKERNAS 2024 from May 24 to 26, 2024.
Observe :
1. Decision of the PDI Perjuangan DPP meeting
1. Impose organizational sanctions in the form of dismissal of Joko Widodo from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle.
2. Prohibit the brother referred to in paragraph 1 (a) above from carrying out activities and holding any position on behalf of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle.
3. Since the issuance of this termination letter, PDI Perjuangan has no connection and is not responsible for anything Mr. Joko Widodo does.
4. The DPP of PDI Perjuangan will be responsible for this decision letter to the Party Congress.
5. This decision letter applies from the moment it is established and in the event of any confusion thereafter, it will be revised and corrected as necessary.
Stipulated in Jakarta on December 4, 2024
This letter was signed by PDIP DPP General Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri and PDIP DPP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto with a copy: 1. Head of the Situation Analysis and Control Center of PDI Perjuangan, 2. DPD PDI Perjuangan throughout Indonesia, 3. PDI Perjuangan DPC throughout Indonesia, 4. Fight PDI PAC throughout Indonesia, 5. Concerned, 6. Archives.
Examine the alleged violations of ethics and discipline of the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party at the first and last levels, committed by:
Joko Widodo, as a cadre of the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party, is hereinafter referred to as TERADU.
2. SEAT THINGS, etc.
A. Understand the people, gather enthusiasm, consolidate the will, organize the actions of the people, educate and demand the people to develop political consciousness, give them confidence in their abilities, gather all the energy of the people in one movement politics, mobilize the people to fight together, and supervise down-to-earth ideological political work. It is the obligation of every Party member, especially those nominated by the Party, to hold positions in the Party structure or positions on behalf of the Party:
b. Whereas respecting Party regulations and decisions, prioritizing Party interests over personal interests is the obligation of every Party member, as stated in Article 18, letter (c) of the Party Statutes, in conjunction with article 7, letter (e);
c. Considering that the execution of the duties and mandates entrusted by the Party with full responsibility is the obligation of all members of the Party, as stated in Article 18, letter (e),
Party Statutes in conjunction with Article 7, letters (b) and (c), of Party Regulations Number 7 of 2019 regarding the Code of Ethics and Discipline for Party Members:
d. Whereas any member of the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party is prohibited from carrying out actions that could harm the people's trust in the Party and from carrying out activities detrimental to the reputation and interests of the Party, as stated in the article 22 letters (b) and (c) of the Party statutes;
e. Considering that the intervention against the Constitutional Court and the use of state instruments for personal and family interests have had a systemic impact which is the beginning of the destruction of the democratic system, the legal system and morality and national and state ethics, then:
The accused was proven to have violated the Code of Ethics and Discipline of Party Members by undermining the ideals and goals of the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party.
To the DPP PDI Perjuangan to impose sanctions of dismissal or revocation of Party membership on the accused, brother Joko Widodo;
This was decided at the deliberative meeting of the Party Ethics and Discipline Committee Assembly on Friday, October 11, 2024.
The letter was signed by Chairman Komarudin Watubun and members Sudirman Tarigan, Sudiyatmiko Aribowo, Baharudin Farawoman, Ridwan Darmawan, Tanda Peace Nasution and Hardian Tuasamu with a copy from the Head of the Situation Analysis and Control Center (Situation Room). situation).
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1 that in order to preserve the honor, authority and image of the Party, each member of the Party, in the exercise of his duties and responsibilities, must be guided by the code of ethics and discipline for members of the Party that was established by the Party.
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