EU wants Starmer to commit to huge Brexit betrayal | Politics | News
Brexit supporters warn that Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer will make huge concessions to the EU that will make “the migration problem” worse.
Leaked document shows EU negotiators will force Starmer to accept European Court of Justice (ECJ), reports GB News.
Eurosceptics are now launching a plan to try to stop the Labor government moving backwards towards the EU.
Former Brexit Opportunity Minister Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg told GB News: Conservative and Reform leaders should promise if elected to leave any new Labor deal, especially if it involves the European Court.
Any deal could be devastating for fishermen and reopen an untold flood of people from the EU, worsening our migration problem.
But he is not the only politician to speak out. Former Brexit minister David Jones has said Brexit supporters should launch a grassroots campaign to defend Brexit freedoms.
He said: Subjecting the country to the judgment of a foreign court constitutes a huge degradation of sovereignty.
No patriotic British government should ever accept this. Brexit supporters in Parliament should use all procedural means to try to stop it.
Brexit supporters outside Parliament should write to their Labor MPs and make it clear that they will do everything in their power to ensure they are not re-elected at the next general election.
Shadow defense minister Mark Francois, also chairman of the Conservative MPs' European Research Group, said it would not be surprising to see Starmer make Britain indebted to the ECJ.
He said: “It’s really obvious: deep down in his heart, Starmer remains an ardent Remainer – and he always will be.
The EU is thought to be hoping that the ECJ's jurisdiction over the UK will extend from Northern Ireland to cover both carbon border taxes and veterinary agreements, according to GB News.
Former European Research Group chairman Steve Baker said only Labor MPs could stop Starmer signing a sovereignty pooling proposal.
He said: It's Groundhog Day. The UK is out and about. Any return to the jurisdiction of the ECJ for the whole of the UK repudiates the result.
Northern Ireland's unique circumstances are no excuse: NI has an open border with a foreign EU country, while Britain does not.
Conservative, Reform or DUP MPs can do nothing to prevent any U-turn by the Prime Minister. Only a group of resolute and well-organized Labor MPs could stop it.
Boris Johnson oversaw the end of the ECJ's jurisdiction over Britain when he sealed the Brexit deal in 2020.
The deal was reached despite claims by then-EU negotiator Michel Barnier that the Luxembourg court was a red line for any deal.
Johnson has been exploring ways to remove the ECJ's already existing oversight of Northern Ireland in 2023, he doubled down on his opposition to the ECJ's overreach in a warning this weekend.
Writing for the Daily Mail, Johnson said: By accepting the European Court's judgment without even having a judge on the ground! we have abandoned one of the fundamental principles of Brexit. And for what purpose?
The European Commission has announced that it will pursue the British government in Luxembourg courts over two alleged violations.
Brussels says there are several gaps in the UK's implementation of EU law.
The second case concerned Britain's breaking of bilateral investment treaties with Bulgaria, Czechia, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia.
In response to both cases, a government spokesperson said: These cases relate to issues from when the UK was an EU member state and during the transition period. We will not comment further on the legal proceedings.
We remain focused on our efforts to reset our relationship with the EU and ensure that Brexit benefits the British people.
Sources 2/ https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1989664/eu-starmer-brexit-talks-migration The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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