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Macau prepares to celebrate 25 years of Beijing rule with Xi Jinping's arrival – News 24

Macau prepares to celebrate 25 years of Beijing rule with Xi Jinping's arrival – News 24


The former Portuguese colony was ceded to China on December 20, 1999, under the “One country, two systems” principle which promised autonomy and civil liberties broader than those on the Chinese mainland.

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Chinese President Xi Jinping will arrive in Macau on Wednesday afternoon for a three-day visit as the casino hub prepares to celebrate 25 years of Beijing's rule.

The former Portuguese colony was ceded to China on December 20, 1999, under the “One country, two systems” principle which promised autonomy and civil liberties broader than those on the Chinese mainland.

The city – the only place in China where casino gambling is permitted – has long overtaken Las Vegas to become the world's leading casino hub, fueled by two decades of spending by Chinese visitors.

Xi will attend the inauguration of Macau's new administration during his trip and will also “conduct an inspection tour”, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

Sam Hou-fai, the former president of Macau's highest court, will be sworn in on Friday as the city's fourth leader after the handover – and the first to be born in China and without business experience.

Sam said Macau cannot rely solely on casinos – which account for 81 percent of government revenue – and highlighted the “barbaric expansion” of the sector over the years.

Macau's economic diversification and its integration into China's regional project, dubbed the Greater Bay Area, will likely be the main themes of Xi's visit, analysts and academics told AFP.

“(Xi) will probably want to inspect the non-gaming investments that Macau dealers promised two years ago,” said Ben Lee, a casino consultant.

Hengqin Island, which is partly leased to Macau to increase its supply of land for development, is also likely to be the focus of the visit, Lee said.

Xi's full itinerary has not been disclosed.

Authorities have stepped up security measures in the casino center, including temporarily banning drones and partially suspending train services.

Security checks have been stepped up for visitors arriving from Hong Kong, which is an hour's ferry ride away, and for drivers on the huge bridge that connects Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai.

All About Macau, an online media outlet, said Tuesday it “had to” remove an article containing comments from residents about increased security.

Several people associated with Macau's now dormant pro-democracy movement told AFP they had been warned not to make critical remarks in public before the anniversary.




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