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Lawyer accused of being a Chinese spy loses legal battle with MI5

Lawyer accused of being a Chinese spy loses legal battle with MI5


“Legitimate reasons” behind the warning, according to the highest judges

Christine Ching Kui Lee

A lawyer accused by MI5 of working for the Chinese government has lost a legal battle against the security services after a court ruled he had “legitimate reasons” to warn MPs about her.

In 2022, Christine Ching Kui Lee, a British-Chinese lawyer, was named in a “security services interference alert” which accused her of “knowingly engaging in political interference activities” on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party.

The alert came a day after then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologized to MPs over the Partygate scandal.

Lee fought back with a lawsuit, claiming the warning was issued for a “political purpose, namely to further the interests of the Conservative Party.”

A screenshot of the alert

But three judges at the Investigatory Powers Tribunal have now ruled that the alert was lawful.

Lord Justice Singh, sitting with Lord Boyd and Justice Rupert Jones, rejected the public law and human rights arguments, and found there were “legitimate reasons” for issuing the warning.

Lee had previously denied the allegations against her at an earlier hearing.

Singh said: We have come to the conclusion that the interference alert was issued in accordance with national law. The national security risk posed by Ms Lee has been rationally assessed and the issue of alerting for interference falls within the national security functions of the security service.

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The judges rendered an open judgment and a closed judgment, the open judgment covering over 40 pages.

Lee is said to have left Hong Kong for the UK as a child and qualified as a solicitor in 2002. She founded Christine Lee & Co (Solicitors) Ltd, a law firm with offices in Birmingham and London. He specializes in a range of practice areas including immigration, conveyancing, commercial property, private client services and family law.

Christine Lee & Co donated almost $700,000 to political causes, mainly to the Labor Party and Labor MP Barry Gardiner, according to Electoral Commission records.

Speaking in 2022, Gardiner said he was “shocked” by the alert. “[S]he was a well-known figure who had been praised for his community work, he said. LBC radio. “I believed her in good faith, I believed her to be authentic.”




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