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Betrayal of Wasp Women

Betrayal of Wasp Women


In opposition, Labor promised to compensate older women affected by the pension age change, but is now refusing to do so. Austerity therefore continues to reign, reports Laura Penketh.

In a further betrayal, Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall announced that Waspi women would not be compensated for pension losses incurred by the rapid introduction of pension age reform.

An estimated 3.6 million women born in the 1950s were not properly informed of the pension age increase introduced by the Tory/Lib Dem coalition in 2011. For most of the period post-war, the retirement age for women was sixty, that for men. , 65. Under the Pensions Act (1995), plans were put in place to equalize the retirement age – not by lowering the retirement age to sixty for men, but by raising it to 65 for women. The equalization plan provided for a gradual implementation of legislation introduced between 2010 and 2020.

However, the Tory/Lib Dem coalition introduced the Pensions Act (2011) in 2010, which brought forward the equal retirement age to 2018. The result was that women born in the 1950s, hoping to take their retirement at sixty, suddenly discovered that they were supposed to retire at sixty. work longer. Worse still, the general retirement age was raised, so that instead of retiring at sixty, they now had to retire at age 63 (by 2016), age 65 (by 2018) and 66 years (by 2020).

Campaign group Women Against State Pension Inequality (Waspi) made clear that thousands of women were not informed of the changes and thousands more simply did not realize what the changes meant for them. The Waspi women's campaign gained the support of unions and many Labor MPs. Starmer himself (when in opposition, of course) made it clear that this was (another) state scandal.

In 2019, Angela Rayner made it clear that Labor would right the injustice suffered by Waspi women, within five years of a Labor government. She said the women had a contract with the state, which had been broken, and Labor would fully support their claim for compensation.

Nine months ago, the Parliamentary Ombudsman recommended that compensation be paid to all affected women. The Waspi campaign demanded 10,000 per person. This was a very reasonable sum, given that it would not cover the loss of pension and, of course, many women had worked extra years during which they had paid tax and national insurance which they had not planned to pay.

The Ombudsman, however, only recommended payments of between 1,000 and 2,950. Labor had indicated before the election that it would guarantee justice for Waspi women. Today, the extent of their betrayal is clear to all.

Alongside cuts to the Winter Fuel Allowance and the continued cap on benefits for two children, this latest insult to older working-class women reveals Stammer and company to be a mean and parsimonious government, cutting benefits and services to workers while leaving billionaires rich. alone to enrich themselves to the detriment of all of us.

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