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Trump chooses Herschel Walker as ambassador to Bahamas

Trump chooses Herschel Walker as ambassador to Bahamas


President-elect Donald Trump announced he would nominate Herschel Walker, the former football player whose 2022 Senate bid was mired in controversy, to serve as U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas.

“Herschel has spent decades serving as an ambassador to our nation's youth, our men and women in the military, and athletes at home and abroad,” Trump said on social media Tuesday evening.

Walker is expected to be confirmed by the Senate to serve in this role. The Senate has not confirmed the nomination of a U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas in more than a decade. Former President Barack Obama nominated Cassandra Butts for the role in 2014, but the Senate never even put her nomination to a vote, according to the Associated Press. She died in 2016.

Trump, during his first term, nominated Doug Manchester in 2017 as ambassador, but his nomination stalled for more than two years. CBS News in 2019 also uncovered evidence of a possible pay-to-play scheme for the role. He ultimately withdrew and Trump nominated William Douglass in 2020. Douglass's nomination was withdrawn by President Biden upon taking office, and Mr. Biden in turn nominated Calvin Smyre, who did not was confirmed by the Senate.

In the absence of an official ambassador to the Bahamas, Kimberly Furnish currently serves as charge d'affaires.

Walker gained national prominence as the star running back for the Georgia Bulldogs, winning the Heisman Trophy in 1982. He spent his early professional football years in the United States Football League before it folded , then moved to the NFL.

Walker returned to the national spotlight when, at Trump's urging, he challenged Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock for his 2022 seat. The race resulted in several controversies, including two women claiming that Walker — who ran as an anti-abortion candidate – paid for them to have an abortion.

Walker has denied both allegations.

In one case, Walker admitted to writing a check for a woman who claimed he paid for her to have an abortion in 2009, but he said he did not know what the money was for.

Another woman claimed Walker paid her to have an abortion while the two were in a six-year relationship while he was married to another woman and playing in the NFL. At a 2022 press conference, she said she couldn't complete the procedure when she went to get it herself, so Walker took her to a Dallas-area clinic on next day and waited for her while she had an abortion. .

“It was a lie a week ago and it’s a lie today,” Walker said at the time after an interview the woman gave a week after the initial press conference.

Warnock would win the election in a runoff after no candidate received more than 50% of the vote on Election Day.

Aaron Navarro and Nikole Killion contributed to this report.

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