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Starmer defends Labour's betrayal in Waspi women's pension fight

Starmer defends Labour's betrayal in Waspi women's pension fight


The women of Women Against Pension Inequality (Waspi) have led a long campaign for justice

Wednesday December 18, 2024

Number 2936

five people with signs illustrating an article about Waspi womenfive people with signs illustrating an article about Waspi women

Raising the retirement age, a “cruel injustice” (Photo: James Ito/Flickr)

The Labor government has betrayed thousands of women who were promised compensation when their pension age was raised without warning.

Keir Starmer claimed on Wednesday that Labor simply could not afford to pay compensation.

Women from the Waspi (Women Against Pension Inequality) movement have been campaigning for justice since the retirement age was raised without warning in 1995.

Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall announced on Tuesday that Labor would refuse to pay compensation, even though a watchdog said it should.

Kendall had already posed with the Waspi women, but that stopped her from stabbing them in the back.

The Waspi campaign called the government's decision bizarre and completely unjustified. Speaker Angela Madden said: “The Government today made an unprecedented policy choice by ignoring the clear recommendations of an independent monitoring body.

Nine months ago he ordered ministers to urgently compensate Waspi women. This is a bizarre and completely unjustified move that will leave everyone wondering what is the point of an ombudsman if ministers can simply ignore their decisions.

This looks like a decision that would make Boris Johnson and Donald Trump blush.

Starmer and Reeves sat together in the House of CommonsStarmer and Reeves sat together in the House of Commons

Labor moves just after hemorrhaging support in opinion polls

Kendall told MPs the report criticized the Department for Work and Pensions for failing to properly warn women about the increase. She said the government had recognized it was poor administration and she had apologized on its behalf.

But Kendall said the women knew their retirement age was going to increase and rejected the ombudsman's argument that sending letters earlier would have helped. She accuses the victims of government failures of being responsible for their own suffering.

Kendall added that it was not possible to assess the impact of maladministration on 3.5 million women. She said paying lump sum compensation, as recommended by the Ombudsman, would not be a fair or proportionate use of taxpayers' money.

In March, the Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman published. It was said that the Waspi women deserved compensation because they had not received sufficient notice from the government regarding the increase in their retirement age.

Women did not have time to make alternative plans. They were not properly informed. Retirement plans were shattered, with devastating consequences.

The Labor government has betrayed the women who campaigned so hard for justice by once again attacking the working class.




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