High Point University to host conversation with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson | Education
WHO: A conversation with High Point University President Nido Qubein and Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, will take place at HPU on Thursday, February 6 at 7 p.m. In this conversation, Dr. Qubein will discuss Mr. Johnson's recent release. memoirs and his personal reflections on more than two decades of political life.
The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required by December 31. To register for free tickets,Click here.
Mr. Johnson served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, leader of the Conservative Party, Foreign Secretary and Mayor of London. In 2019, he led the Conservative Party to an extraordinary electoral victory, winning its largest majority in the House of Commons since 1987 and the highest vote share of any party since 1979. The result was a major realignment of British politics.
In addition to his work in politics, Mr. Johnson is an award-winning journalist, writer and editor. He is the author of nearly a dozen books, from a world-bestselling historical biography of Winston Churchill to a self-illustrated children's book.
What: An evening with Boris Johnson
When: Thursday February 6, 2025, at 7 p.m.
Or:Callicutt Life Skills Theater, Congdon Hall, One N. University Parkway, High Point, NC 27268.
Registrationis free but mandatory before December 31. To register for free tickets,Click here.
For what: Boris Johnson's political career has paralleled some of the most important events in recent UK history. Looking back at his political life, including his time as mayor of London, the European Union referendum, his election as Prime Minister in 2019 and his response to the pandemic, Mr Johnson was undoubtedly a man at the center of an evolving political landscape.
At High Point University, every student receives an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people. HPU, located in the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina, is a liberal arts institution with 6,335 undergraduate and graduate students. U.S. News & World Report has ranked HPU as the No. 1 Best Regional College in the South for 13 consecutive years and No. 1 Most Innovative Regional College in the South for 10 consecutive years. The Princeton Review ranked HPU as the nation's best-run college in the 390 Best Colleges: 2025 Edition. HPU has also been recognized among the nation's top 20 for Best College Dormitories, Best Career Services, Government most active student, best food on campus and most beautiful campus. For 14 consecutive years, HPU has been named a College of Distinction with special recognition for career development, business and education programs. The university has 69 undergraduate programs, 74 undergraduate minors, and 18 graduate programs. It is a member of the NCAA, Division I and Big South Conference. Visit High Point University on the web athighpoint.edu.
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