Jokowi fired by PDIP: comments from party leaders responding to membership opportunities
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Announcement of the dismissal of the former president Jokowi with his son Gibran Rakabuming Raka and his son-in-law Bobby Nasution of PDIP on Monday December 16, 2024, continues to be in the spotlight. Jokowi was dismissed by decree or dismissal decree number 1649/KPTS/DPP/XII/2024 “Imposing organizational sanctions in the form of dismissal of Joko Widodo from membership in the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle”, reads the first point of the decision.
The announcement of the dismissal was made by PDIP DPP honorary chairman Komarudin Watubun in front of all DPD chairmen throughout Indonesia.
“The DPP Party will announce a decision letter to dismiss Joko Widodo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Bobby Nasution, as well as 27 other members who were dismissed,” Komarudin said in a video received. Tempo.
Director of Indonesian Political Settings Adi Paryitno believes that the news that Jokowi and his family will join Golkar will have both positive and negative impacts on the party. “The advantage is that Golkar's power will become stronger,” said Adi, Wednesday, December 18, 2024.
According to Adi, Golkar's negative impact or losses have a high chance of becoming the target of public anger who still have a negative perception of the Solo family, as the family is called. Jokowi. This negative perception includes allegations of dynastic politics, up to Jokowi's caucasians during the electoral contest. “So the risks and benefits are proportional. In terms of power it will strengthen, but in terms of image the risk of decline is also quite high,” he said.
Which party Jokowi will join after this remains a mystery. Here are several party leaders' responses to Jokowi's chances after being fired by the PDIP:
NasDem Party Central Leadership Council Chairman Teuku Taufiqulhadi said his party was opening opportunities for Jokowi to occupy positions or strategic positions in the party led by Surya Paloh. “I think that, in the context of NasDem, always to welcome. “Anything can happen because NasDem is a political party,” said Teuku Taufiqulhadi via WhatsApp on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.
Taufiq said the opportunity was open for Jokowi. “We already understand the social problems, especially since Pak Jokowi is a former president,” he said.
Chairman of the Prosperous Justice Party, DPP, Mardani Ali Sera, revealed that the seventh President Jokowi must undergo the cadre training process if he wants to be part of his party. “It’s good to go see Golkar and Gerindra. “At PKS, it's a shame that Pak Jokowi has to start from the bottom,” Mardani said via WhatsApp, Tuesday, December 17, 2024.
Mardani explained that the cadre training stage applies to all party members, including former presidents. So far, there has been no question of opening the door for Jokowi to join the PKS. “There has been no communication or discussion about Pak Jokowi,” he said.
Golkar Secretary General Muhammad Sarmuji said there had been no communication between his party and Jokowi. “Not yet, we also don't want to be in a hurry to give the impression of rushing him,” Sarmuji said via WhatsApp, Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Sarmuji believes that Jokowi will consider everything when deciding on policy measures.
Golkar Chairman General Bahlil Lahadalia previously chose not to comment further on Jokowi's dismissal. He stressed that Golkar is a party open to all groups. “Golkar opens up to all children of the nation who want to contribute through political parties,” said Bahlil at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday, December 16, 2024.
Democratic General President Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono declined to comment. “I cannot comment further,” said AHY, Monday, December 16, 2024. “We are taking care of our political situation to finish 2024 well. Because 2024 is very monumental. National political events include elections, presidential elections, the legislative elections, and “We have just finished the biggest regional elections in history, which went well,” said the AHY.
Asked whether he planned to invite Jokowi to join the Democrats, AHY was reluctant to make many comments. “It's better to ask Pak Jokowi directly,” he said.
Alfitria Nefi P, Hendrik Yaputra, Andi Adam Faturrahman, Septia Ryanthie, Anissa Febiola, Daniel A. Fajri contributed to the writing of this article.
Editor's Pick: The pros and cons of Jokowi and Gibran joining Golkar
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