Turkey plans to advance quantum computing with plans to produce superconducting chips
– “Our next superconductor chip production plant will pave the way for the development of higher-capacity quantum computers,” says the president.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has unveiled his country's ambitious plans to establish a factory to produce superconducting chips, representing a revolutionary advance in the country's quantum computing capabilities.
In his speech delivered on Wednesday at the scientific awards ceremony of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), held in the capital Ankara, the President Erdogan has highlighted the strategic importance of quantum technologies in shaping the global future.
“With this critical advancement in quantum computing, we aim to position Turkey as a key player on the global stage,” he said, stressing that such developments reflect the country's determination to become a leader in the fields. cutting-edge technologies.
The planned superconducting chip factory will be instrumental in producing the high-performance processors essential for next-generation quantum computers.
“Our next superconductor chip production facility will pave the way for the development of higher-capacity quantum computers,” the president said.
President Erdogan described the initiative as a transformative step, explaining how quantum computers can solve very complex problems in minutes – challenges that conventional supercomputers would take years to solve.
“Turkey's goal is to join the ranks of 15 nations at the forefront of quantum computing,” he said, stressing the importance of establishing the infrastructure necessary for research and to advanced development.
Promoting scientific excellence
The President further highlighted Turkey's commitment to fostering scientific innovation, paying tribute to the achievements of the 57 scientists awarded at the awards ceremony.
He stressed the importance of recognizing and encouraging scientific talent to drive national progress.
“Scientific progress requires encouragement and recognition,” he said, drawing on the words of the famous scholar Ibn Sina: “Science and art migrate from places where they are not appreciated.”
President Erdogan called on academic institutions, researchers and private companies to collaborate and push the boundaries of innovation.
He also noted that Turkey's scientific progress is supported by significant investments in education, research infrastructure and public-private partnerships.
Turkey, beacon of regional stability and leadership
During his speech, President Erdogan also spoke about Turkey's growing geopolitical influence and its responsibility to act as a stabilizing force in a turbulent region.
“The events in Syria remind us that Turkey is bigger than Turkey itself,” he said, referring to the nation's role in responding to regional crises and humanitarian challenges.
“We cannot limit our horizon to 782,000 square kilometers,” he said. “Just as a person cannot escape his destiny, Turkey and the Turkish nation cannot run or hide from their predestined role in history.”
The president highlighted the nation's diplomatic, military and humanitarian efforts as examples of Turkey's leadership in addressing regional and global challenges.
President Erdogan concluded by saying that the strength of the nation lies not only in its technological and scientific advancements, but also in its enduring commitment to justice, stability and progress.
*Written by Alperen Aktas from Istanbul
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