Macao SAR Government Officials Thank President Xi for Encouragement and Support – Macau SAR Government Portal
Officials of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) government expressed gratitude for the encouragement and support expressed in an important speech delivered by President Xi Jinping at a welcome dinner hosted by the MSAR government in the honor of the president.
Secretary for Administration and Justice Cheong Weng Chon said President Xi's important speech served as an inspiration to the Macao Special Administrative Region government and all sectors of Macao society . His team, under the leadership of the chief executive, will seriously study and strive to understand the spirit of President Xi's speech, Cheong said.
Secretary for Economy and Finance Mr. Lei Wai Nong said he was deeply encouraged by President Xi's support for the fifth term of the MRAS government. The Macao Special Administrative Region has seized the opportunities opened up by the central government's preferential measures for Macao after the pandemic, combining Macao's unique advantages with its regional positioning to successfully promote the rapid recovery of the local economy.
Secretary for Security Mr. Wong Sio Chak, on behalf of the Macao security authorities, sincerely thanked President Xi and the central government for their high esteem, constant concern, strong support and sincere encouragement for the work of the Macao Special Administrative Region regarding national security. He said he was sincerely grateful for the trust and support shown by the central government and all sectors of Macau society.
Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Ms. Ao Ieong U expressed sincere gratitude to President Xi for the recognition and attention to the welfare of MRAS. Over the past five years, his team, in line with the Director-General's concept of good governance, has worked to ensure that the health, education, culture and sport sectors play a role in promoting appropriate economic diversification. This provided strong support for the sustainable development of society and the improvement of people's livelihoods, she said.
Secretary of Transportation and Public Works Raimundo do Rosrio thanked President Xi for recognizing Macau's achievements in urban development and the central government's support over the years for the development of the city's urban development network. Macau's infrastructure. The current government has taken full advantage of the beneficial policies and measures proposed by the central government, to further integrate the Macao Special Administrative Region into the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Attorney General Mr. Ip Son Sang said President Xi's visit to Macau and the important speech he delivered demonstrated the recognition and approval by President Xi and the central government of the work of the MRAS government for his fifth term. President Xi's speech was invigorating and expressed his aspirations for the development of the Macau Special Administrative Region, highlighting the direction to better integrate Macao into the country's socialist modernization effort.
Anti-Corruption Commissioner Chan Tsz King said President Xi's speech embodied a full understanding of the Macao Special Administrative Region, reflecting the central government's attention and interest in Macau. The Anti-Corruption Commission will seriously implement the three expectations set by President Xi for Macao, aiming to strengthen its own development and fully fulfill its functions with a proactive and pragmatic attitude, he said.
Audit Commissioner Mr. Ho Veng On said President Xi's visit to Macau and the important speech he delivered demonstrated the country's continued concern and support for Macao, demonstrating the Macau's unique position in the country's overall strategic development. This important speech was also an affirmation of Macao's achievements in all fields of work, providing direction and encouragement for Macao's long-term harmony and stability, as well as its lasting prosperity and progress.
Commissioner General of the Unitary Police Service, Mr. Leong Man Cheong, said that President Xi's recognition for the work of the MSAR government over the past five years and the spirit of President Xi's important speech set the fundamental guidelines for the development of Macau. President Xi's speech was also a powerful motivator for Macao to continue to move forward during this historic phase for the Macao Special Administrative Region, greatly inspiring all Macao residents and instilling a sense of mission and responsibility among police officers.
Director General of Macau Customs Department, Mr. Vong Man Chong, expressed his sincere gratitude to the Central Government, the Chief Executive and the Security Secretary for their support and guidance. The Macau Customs Department would closely follow the three expectations set out by President Xi for Macao, while carrying out its customs functions in a pragmatic manner, thereby making greater contributions to the prosperity and stability of the Administrative Region. special from Macau.
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