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Trump slams House government funding deal, demands debt ceiling hike

Trump slams House government funding deal, demands debt ceiling hike


WASHINGTON President-elect Donald Trump said Thursday he would rather House Republicans defund the federal government than support a funding bill that does not contain a debt ceiling increase .

“Republican obstructionists must be eliminated,” Trump said, referring to members of the Republican Party who refuse to support Trump's desired debt ceiling increase. He singled out Texas Rep. Chip Roy and accused him of “standing in the way, as usual, of another big Republican victory.”

“Our country is better off shutting down for a while than accepting the things Democrats want to impose on us,” the president-elect wrote on Truth Social.

House Republican leaders were running out of time Thursday to avert a partial government shutdown that begins late Friday night, after Trump and his allies defeated a compromise bill to fund the government through March.

Top party officials spent much of Thursday moving in and out of President Mike Johnson's offices at the Capitol, where conversations focused on finding a way to keep the federal government open while satisfying last-minute demand. Trump's minute that any agreement to finance the government also raises the debt ceiling.

Yet even if House Republicans could agree on funding language that would appease both Trump and the warring factions of the Republican caucus, any bill they pass would still have to be approved by the Republican-controlled Senate. Democrats before President Joe Biden signed it.

Meanwhile, outside of leadership talks, members of the House and Senate were increasingly nervous that Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, would fail to find a way to move forward in time to avoid the potential layoff of tens of thousands of federal employees across the country. whose pay could be delayed less than a week before Christmas.

“A shutdown doesn't solve anything. It doesn't save us money. It just creates unnecessary chaos,” Republican Rep. Mike Lawler of New York said on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports.

“To pass anything, you need bipartisan support,” he said. “It will take Democrats in the Senate at a minimum, but most likely in the House, to support a continuing resolution,” he said.

Thursday's tensions followed Wednesday's very public collapse of a massive, negotiated funding bill that would have required Democratic votes to pass a narrowly divided House.

Trump's formal opposition to the bill came Wednesday evening only after billionaire Republican megadonor Elon Musk spent the day opposing the bill, gradually making it politically impossible for much of the Republican conference in Chamber to support it.

“Raising the debt ceiling isn't great, but we'd rather do it on Biden's watch,” Trump said in a statement Wednesday announcing his opposition to Johnson's initial bill.

“If Democrats won't cooperate now on the debt ceiling, what makes you think they would in June under our administration? Let's have this debate now. And we should pass a streamlined spending bill that doesn't give Chuck Schumer and the Democrats do whatever they want,” Trump said.

The debt ceiling has become a recurring and bitter debate in Washington every few years, and one that Trump seeks to avoid as he begins his second term.

But his demands and Thursday's impasse could prove too much for Johnson, who now faces a potential threat to his presidency, which is due to be voted on early next year.




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