Protesters say Trump, 'the enemy,' must leave canal alone DW 12/25/2024
Demonstrators in Panama protested Tuesday against U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's suggestion that the U.S. government could take over the Panama Canal.
Trump complained about what he called “exorbitant” shipping costs, demanding that the canal be “returned” to U.S. control if they are not reduced.
What do we know about the protests?
Dozens of protesters gathered outside the US embassy in Panama and chanted slogans such as “Trump, animal, leave the canal alone”, holding banners reading “Donald Trump, public enemy of Panama”.
The United States largely built the Panama Canal and administered its territory for decades before transferring full control to Panama in 1999.
“Panama is a sovereign territory and the canal here is Panamanian,” Saul Mendez, leader of a construction union who co-organized the protest, was quoted as saying by French news agency AFP.
“Donald Trump and his imperial illusion cannot claim even one inch of land in Panama,” Mr. Mendez said.
The protest comes a day after President José Raul Mulino declared that “every square meter” of the canal belongs to Panama and its status is “non-negotiable.”
Also on Tuesday, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), made up of ten Central and South American countries, denounced Trump's remarks and affirmed its support for “sovereignty, integrity territorial and self-determination” of Panama.
Panama is not a member of the bloc, which is based in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital.
Donald Trump threatens to regain control of the Panama Canal
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What did Trump say about the Panama Canal?
On Saturday, Trump insisted in a post on his Truth Social platform that Panama reduce shipping costs or return the canal to the United States.
“Our navy and commerce have been treated very unfairly and misguidedly. The fees Panama is charging are ridiculous,” the message read.
Panama imposes tariffs on boats and ships using its canal, with fees varying depending on size and purpose.
Trump also warned of alleged Chinese influence around the canal.
On Monday, Greenland said it was “not for sale” after Trump suggested Washington could take “ownership and control” of it.
sdi/wd (AFP, EFE)
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