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China, Japan foreign ministers meet in Beijing, seafood trade on agenda

China, Japan foreign ministers meet in Beijing, seafood trade on agenda


BEIJING/TOKYO–Discussions on seafood trade are expected to be on the agenda Wednesday during the Japanese foreign minister's visit to China, Japan's largest export market for aquatic products until Beijing imposes a blanket ban to protest the release of treated radioactive wastewater into the ocean.

It will be Takeshi Iway's first visit to the Chinese capital since becoming Japan's foreign minister in October and he is expected to hold talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and meet other Chinese officials.

A major sticking point in bilateral trade has been the release of wastewater from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant. Beijing strongly opposed and condemned Tokyo's decision on the matter and strengthened inspections of Japanese products in response.

China imposed a complete ban in August last year after Japan began discharging treated radioactive water, but the two governments reached an agreement in September that would pave the way for fruit shipments to resume sea ​​from Japan to China.

Nikkei reported this week that China was considering lifting a ban on imports of Japanese seafood.

But China still wants assurances from Tokyo that it will honor its commitment to establish a long-term international monitoring agreement and allow stakeholders such as China to carry out independent sampling and monitoring of treated water.

With sufficient monitoring, China will adjust relevant measures and gradually restore imports that meet standards and regulations, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Tuesday.

The one-day visit follows an agreement between the leaders of the two countries that they will work towards establishing a mutually beneficial strategic relationship, by strengthening communication at different levels.

Relations between the neighboring countries are in a critical period of improvement and development, Chinese President Xi Jinping said last month when meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. in Lima, Peru.

Xi said the two should be partners, not threats.

Trading partners with close economic and investment ties but rivals over security and territorial claims, Sino-Japanese relations are complicated by long-standing geopolitical disagreements and historical wartime sensitivities.

Japan's first foreign minister to visit since April last year, Iwaya could voice his country's concerns about Chinese military activities around Japan as well as regional issues, including North Korea.

Japan last month expressed serious concerns over the security alliance between North Korea and Russia, under which North Korea could acquire advanced military technology and combat experience.

Ukrainian and allied assessments show that Pyongyang has sent around 12,000 troops to support Russia's war in Ukraine. Ukraine warned this week that North Korea could send more personnel and equipment to Moscow's military.

On less thorny issues, China could encourage Japan to demonstrate reciprocity in terms of visa policy.

China last month extended its visa-free provisions for Japan until the end of 2025, reinstating a policy that had been suspended during the pandemic.

The country, which added countries to its visa waiver list, also extended the stay period from 15 days to 30 days. Japanese citizens could enter China without a visa until 14 days before COVID-19.

Japan has not decided on reciprocal action, but China has said it hopes Japan will work to improve people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.




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