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PM Modi on Manmohan Singh: A life will serve as a lesson for future generations

PM Modi on Manmohan Singh: A life will serve as a lesson for future generations


PM Modi pays tribute to Manmohan Singh

| Video credit: The Hindu

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday (December 27, 2024) described the death of his predecessor Manmohan Singh as a great loss to the nation, hailing his rise from humble beginnings to hold some of the most important posts in the country.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays his last respects to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the latter's residence in New Delhi on Friday, December 27, 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays his last respects to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the latter's residence in New Delhi on Friday, December 27, 2024. | Photo credit: PTI

Hailing him as a distinguished parliamentarian, Mr Modi said Dr Singh's life was a reflection of his honesty and simplicity.

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A file photo of Manmohan Singh with Narendra Modi.

A file photo of Manmohan Singh with Narendra Modi. | Photo credit: Reuters

His contribution to the country's development will be remembered, the Prime Minister said, emphasizing his commitment to reforms.

His life will always serve as a lesson to future generations on how one can overcome deprivation and strive to reach the heights of success, PM Modi said.

In a video message, Mr Modi recalled Dr Singh's life journey after his family migrated to India, leaving behind all that post-Partition, while noting that his many achievements since then were not a small matter.

Noting that he has held various positions in the government, the Prime Minister said Singh was Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) during difficult times and put the country on a new path economy as finance minister in the PV Narasimha Rao-led government.

Mr. Modi said, “As Prime Minister, his contribution to the development and progress of the country will always be remembered. He also effusively praised Singh's personal virtues, noting that his life was a reflection of his honesty and simplicity.

Mr. Modi said that although he was educated in prestigious institutes of the world and held leadership positions, the former Prime Minister and Congress leader never forgot the values ​​of his usual journey .

In this August 7, 2023 file image, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh attends proceedings in the Rajya Sabha during the monsoon session of Parliament, in New Delhi.

In this August 7, 2023 file image, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh attends proceedings in the Rajya Sabha during the monsoon session of Parliament, in New Delhi. | Photo credit: PTI

His humility, sobriety and intellect defined his life as a distinguished parliamentarian, Mr. Modi said, hailing Dr. Singh's commitment to discharge his duty as an MP by appearing in Parliament in a wheelchair when called upon. become fragile in recent years.

Dr Singh rose above partisan politics to remain accessible to all, Mr Modi said and recalled that he often had discussions with him on many national and international issues when the Congress leader was Prime Minister between 2004 and 2014 and that he was the ruler of Gujarat. minister.

When he became prime minister in 2014, Mr Modi said he would speak to him, pointing out that they had spoken on Dr Singh's birthday.




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