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Letter to a Syrian rebel: Jews and Syrians have overcome their trauma

Letter to a Syrian rebel: Jews and Syrians have overcome their trauma


Your revolt was still young when this column last wrote to you (“Letter to a Syrian Rebel,” January 6, 2012), surprising you “in the first light of dawn… assessing what the next day might reserve you” right in front of the mothers around you. the bloodied earth “will pray that the grocery store today has the flour, sugar and eggs that it did not have yesterday” and the fathers “will decide whether to navigate among the barrels of guns on their way to the gallon of kerosene without which the family will shiver at night” and “the grocer will demand cash, and dollars from the black market, and the doctor will bribe, and the pastor will repent, and the garbage truck will simply not come.”

Thirteen years and more than a million deaths and injuries later, it is clear that these predictions, bleak as they were, predicted only a fraction of what your people endured. No one in their right mind would have predicted that your country's leaders would kill half a million Syrians and displace one in two Syrians, including thousands of people who would rather travel on a dilapidated boat across an angry sea than live in an even angrier country.

This letter, however, anticipated your victory, as well as its disappointing results. “There is a good chance,” he suggests, “that your Syria, while canceling the alliance with Iran, will become the proxy that Turkey now wants to make of you.”

While hoping that you “will show yourself determined enough to regain your honor rather than replacing one regional boss with another”, he asserted that “for now, Israelis in the middle will have to assume that post-Assad Syria will not be progressive” and thus prepare “for a crisis”. a new Syria that will maintain the hostility of its dictatorial predecessors towards Israel.

Recent events have given Middle Israelis no solid reason to alter these grim expectations. Therefore, this letter is not about your relationship with us. Rather, it is about your relationship with the country you must now lead, because what it will ask you to deal with, above all else, is something we Jews know well: trauma.

SYRIANS LIVING in Turkey hold a photo of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as they celebrate in Istanbul on Sunday following the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad by Syrian rebels. The rebellion, although it has weakened Iran and its proxies, may not be a good development for Israel, the author warns. (credit: DILARA SENKAYA/REUTERS)

YOUR TRAUMA and ours are, of course, different.

Your people were not victims of any racial theory, the attack against them was not intended to annihilate them, and they were not the target of a propaganda machine programmed to assassinate their personality and shed his blood. Not to mention the scale: Hitler killed more than 30% of the Jewish people; Assad has killed less than 5% of the Syrian people.

Despite this, your people were massacred en masse: families were bombed in their living rooms, set on fire in their basements and gassed in their streets; thousands have lost limbs and millions have lost parents, children, siblings, spouses, neighbors, friends and livelihoods, not to mention their self-esteem and hopes.

For a population smaller than Florida's, this all adds up to one big holocaust, and that's how it will stick in their minds no matter what their leaders do.

Believe us, Jews: your people will carry the trauma for generations. It will be years before your people fully understand what they have experienced. In our case, it took more than three decades before a groundbreaking book, Children of the Holocaust (1979) by journalist Helen Epstein, showed that survivors' post-trauma was passed on to their offspring: boys and girls which bore the name of the Holocaust. victims, children whose parents' friends were mostly other survivors, and teenagers whose dreams included nightmares of being chased by barking German shepherds and chased by Nazis armed with helmets and guns. fire. boots.

Is there any doubt that a version of this syndrome now awaits your own people?

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There is no need for Sigmund Freud to tell you that the population you will lead is haunted; a people whose young adults have lost their education, whose teenagers have lost their childhood, and whose children will for years have nightmares of their starving parents searching for food in piles of garbage while fleeing tanks, planes fighters, jet planes and mustachioed ghosts.

So the question you face is what to do in the face of all this, and the answer is that you have a choice – the same choice our parents faced when they went from their murderers' gallows to the rest of their days. .

Our parents' choice was simple and clear: build or sink.

This gave young people an advantage. Survivors who were 40 or older when disaster struck often remained wrecks for the rest of their lives. Younger survivors fare better because biology allows them to look toward the future rather than the past.

This is what happened at the individual level. On a collective level, survivors were given, here in the Jewish state, the opportunity to achieve the construction that their traumatized souls demanded.

It is true that Israel was built largely by people who did not survive the Holocaust, nearly a million of whom came from Arab countries. In contrast, Holocaust survivors numbered a mere 250,000. However, most of them arrived in Israel and were part of a massive creation, helping to build here, in just 13 years , 21 new cities and thousands of new farms, factories, hospitals, schools, banks, universities, seaports, airports, highways. , and so on.

In short, this is how the Jews overcame their trauma, and this is how the Syrian people can overcome theirs: by transforming their devastated land into a huge construction site. It is a choice they can, under your leadership, make now, and the sooner the better, while the massive foreign capital it requires can still be raised.

You can of course choose the alternative route; the path you are most expected to choose: the path of oppression, theft, vitriol, deception, hatred and anger. This would be the sad path of the man you overthrew, and such will also be its results.

The writer, a member of the Hartman Institute, is the author of the best-selling Mitzad Ha'ivelet Ha'yehudi (The Jewish March of Madness, Yediot Sefarim, 2019), a revisionist history of the political leadership of the Jewish people.




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