Imran Khan supporters oppose Pakistan's nuclear program (Bilawal)
While questioning the motives of those who support both the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder and the Israeli government, Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has expressed his concerns on foreign support for Imran Khan, stating that the people who support him are the same people who oppose Pakistan's nuclear and ballistic programs.
Speaking on the death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto in her ancestral village in Sindh on Friday, Bilawal warned of an ongoing global conspiracy against Pakistan.
“We must come together to protect our country as outside forces seek to undermine Pakistan's nuclear capabilities. They don’t want a Muslim nation to have such power,” he said, referring to recent US restrictions on missile systems.
He reaffirmed the PPP's commitment to protecting Pakistan's nuclear program and missile technology. “As long as the PPP is there, we will not allow any compromise on our nuclear power or our missile program,” he said.
“The people who support Imran Khan are the same people who oppose Pakistan's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. This begs the question: do they want a Pakistani government willing to sell out on every issue to come to power?” he said.
Bilawal reiterated that the PPP and its supporters would continue to fight against any plot to undermine Pakistan. “We will ensure that Pakistan remains safe, just as we have protected it in the past, and we will continue to safeguard it in the future,” he concluded.
He added, “Those who orchestrated the assassination of Benazir Bhutto were under the false impression that without her, the voices of Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Federal Government, Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir would be silenced forever, and Pakistan would be ruled by puppets ready to trade their position, ideology and people's rights for power.
He pointed out that the current government, comprising of these puppets, is ready to harm the country just to sit on the throne in Islamabad. “Since December 27, 2007, the people of Pakistan are facing immense difficulties because these puppets were imposed on us after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto,” he said.
Reflecting on the formation of the current government, Bilawal said the PPP supported the then ruling party with the promise of political stability and fighting inflation.
“We signed agreements with the assurance that we would work together for national development, especially in underdeveloped regions. However, the implementation of these agreements has failed so far,” he explained .
He continued: “The government has failed to keep its promises, particularly regarding joint projects for underdeveloped regions, and we have not been able to fulfill our commitments to our voters. We need to work with Parliament and reach consensus on every issue to effectively address Pakistan’s challenges.”
Bilawal strongly emphasized that the government does not have the mandate to make unilateral decisions, saying: “The government's mandate lies in making collective decisions, not in unilateral actions. I urge the President of Pakistan to inform the government that decisions taken by consensus are the only solution. the strongest and lead to real solutions.
He further highlighted the multitude of crises Pakistan faces today, ranging from economic challenges to rising terrorism, internal problems within provinces and growing external pressures.
“The country finds itself at a critical moment, facing many internal and external challenges. To resolve these issues, all political parties and stakeholders must come together. No political party has the mandate or the power to face internal and external crises alone,” he stressed.
He said: “We are not selected and we are not the ones who rely on Form 47. We are a party accountable to the people and we will continue to work for their rights. »
He added that although the number of PPP members in the National Assembly may not be large, their commitment to accountability to the people remains firm.
Sources 2/ https://tribune.com.pk/story/2518567/imran-khans-backers-oppose-pakistans-nuclear-programme-bilawal The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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