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Steven Moffat explains why he made the pandemic a crucial part of Doctor Who's Christmas special

Steven Moffat explains why he made the pandemic a crucial part of Doctor Who's Christmas special


Like a time travel show, Doctor Who has never been afraid to incorporate contemporary moments into his stories. But this week's holiday special, “Joy to the World,” pulled from recent memory a particularly pointed and emotional part of its emotional arcone that writer Steven Moffat found impossible to ignore.

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Part of “Joy to the World” sees Nicola Coughlan's guest “companion”, the titular Joy, become host to a mysterious armed briefcase that the Doctor has been following, a process which they both discover is deadly for him. who the briefcase clings to. Trying to figure out how to free Joy from the briefcase without killing her, the Doctor suddenly turns on his new friend: angrily mocking her for presenting a false facade to others, hiding his misery and sadness at Christmas from everyone. days. The Doctor continues to push and prod Joy until she lashes out at him: the reason she ran away to a seedy hotel at Christmas was to avoid others and avoid facing anger how she felt watching her own mother die in the hospital. on Christmas Day, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“She died on Christmas Day. OnChristmas dayand I said goodbye on an iPad because of the rules,” she shouts at him. “She died alone!” And these horrible people with their wine cellars and their dancing and their parties, and I listened to them and I left my mother to die alone.

“I think it was something else from the very first draft, I don’t remember what. And then I was sitting there thinking: Why would you be angry on Christmas Day? “, Moffat said recently. the hollywood reporter about the pacing of the story. “And I thought: Well, oh my God, that’s it! Once you think about it, you won't leave it behind. It is why would you be angry on Christmas day.

This is a particularly pointed reference not only to the pandemic itself, but also to the anger felt in the UK at the time following a series of reports revealing that several members of the then Conservative government, including then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson flaunting new rules and laws against gatherings of multiple people during lockdowns throughout 2020, throw parties in government officesone of several scandals that ultimately led to Johnson's eventual resignation in 2022. But for Moffat, incorporating that anger, and particularly the pandemic, seemed natural.

“I think there was a certain level of outrage in the minds of a lot of people. But it's not something you want to argue your point about. I was just looking for a reason that means something why someone is sad on Christmas Day,” the writer continued. “I have heard this version of this story many times. SO several times. I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know someone who has this story, or who has this story themselves. It's a piece of our history now. Our very recent history; it defined us. So if someone is going to be angry on Christmas Day, why not? It was a good reason.

It's certainly far from the first time and it certainly won't be the last we seeDoctor Who have an unfriendly view of contemporary British politics. But it might not be the most joyful thing to experience for a Christmas Day adventure.

Want more io9 news? Find out when to expect the latest releases from Marvel, Star Wars and Star Trek, what's next for the DC Universe in film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.




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