YLBHI: The legal and human rights situation over the last decade shows setbacks || Suarakalbar.co.id –
Jakarta (Suara Kalbar)- The legal and human rights situation in Indonesia over the past decade has shown a decline, according to the final grades for 2024 released by the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI). Meanwhile, a former official in Joko Widodo's government denied the report. Year-end notes reveal that during the 10 years of Joko Widodo's administration (2014-2024), 122 politicians violated…
Jakarta (Suara Kalbar)- The legal and human rights situation in Indonesia over the past decade has shown a decline, according to the final grades for 2024 released by the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI).
Meanwhile, a former official in Joko Widodo's government denied the report.
Year-end notes reveal that during the 10 years of Joko Widodo's administration (2014-2024), 122 politicians violated legal and human rights principles.
YLBHI General Chairman Muhammad Isnur said in a press conference that this situation was the impact of the destruction of democracy since the time of the leadership of Indonesia's seventh president.
How the most basic procedural areas of democracy have been damaged.
Substantial democracy, freedom of expression and guarantees of living space have long been undermined.
“Well, now the most standard democracy, the one that is most considered representative of Indonesia, has been completely destroyed,” Isnur said as quoted by VoA Indonesia.
Isnur highlighted several policies considered violations, including moving the country's capital, the coordinating minister's veto to overturn ministerial policies, and Jokowi's request to the House of Representatives to immediately complete the Law on job creation within 100 days.
Isnur predicts that the legal and human rights situation in 2025 will not be better than today, because the new government's priority is a non-judicial resolution.
Prabowo Subianto's government, according to Isnur, has the potential to make the situation even worse.
He said Prabowo's rise to power gave rise to a militarist trend, where the army entered civilian areas.
Isnur believes that the plight of human rights defenders and civil society journalists is also increasingly worrying.
From the Rempang case in western Indonesia to the PSN in Merauke, eastern Indonesia, the policies of the Joko Widodo and Prabowo governments have always left behind law enforcement violations and of human rights. The end of Joko Widodo's term left a bad legacy for human rights. In
YayasanLBHIndonesia (@YLBHI) December 22, 2024
Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Anis Hidayah stressed that the human rights index should increase, because a decrease in the index means a decrease in the quality of life citizens.
Anis noted that one of the factors that caused Indonesia's human rights index to decline was freedom of expression and opinion.
“Indeed, there are a number of cases linked to freedom of opinion, expression, criminalization, intimidation, violence in the dissemination of political criticism, as well as in the dissemination of criticism towards of the PSN (National Strategic Projects), he declared.
Komnas HAM previously published a similar study which openly stated that the root of the problem of human rights violations lay in the implementation of several legal regulations that did not side with the people, including the Law on Creation of employment, the law on information and electronic transactions, etc. .
Former special staff of President Jokowi, Rumadi Ahmad, said it was important that criticism from a number of groups regarding law enforcement be heard as part of the maturation process of the Indonesian nation, but that Jokowi's government has also recorded achievements.
So, Rumadi said, he does not agree if it is said that the legal and human rights situation under the Jokowi administration has deteriorated.
He cited the ratification of a number of laws and regulations that could be described as important legal milestones, such as Law Number 1 of 2023 Concerning the Penal Code (KUHP).
Ratifying the new Penal Code, which replaces the Penal Code from the Dutch colonial period, was not an easy process, he said.
The process of drafting the new Penal Code, which began in the late 1960s by successive teams, Rumadi said, has always encountered obstacles and impasses on several crucial issues.
Rumadi also boasted about the ratification of the Criminal Sexual Violence Law under the Jokowi administration.
This legislation, in preparation for decades, constitutes an important step forward in terms of increased protection for victims of sexual violence.
During Jokowi's rule, Rumadi said, a number of breakthroughs were also made that resulted in serious human rights violations being judicially resolved.
These advances offer new hope to victims of gross human rights violations in the past.
Author: VoA Indonesia
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